Columns & Sections
Future of Healthcare
Satrajit Misra, VP of marketing and strategic development at Toshiba America Medical Systems, on how diagnostic imaging can help hospitals succeed
Hospital Spotlight
Assessing the state of health care and spotlighting the success of his institution
IT Matters
How to navigate the hurdles of upgrades while keeping everything running smoothly
Know what to do before and after a critical event to minimize losses
The arsenal for fighting HAIs has grown increasingly sophisticated
Inroads on the path to personalized and efficient care
Weigh your options carefully to maximize your reimbursement
Cost is a major hurdle but affordable solutions are emerging
Protecting patient privacy from internal user abuse
Building a company that can stand on its own legs
This month's historical medical artifact
A common pursuit yields very different challenges
Dr. Andrew Mellin, chief medical officer at Spok, on ways to save previous time in the department where it matters most