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"Privacy Notice"

This Privacy Notice explains DOTmed's online/website information practices and the choices you as an individual can make with respect to how your personally identifiable information/data as defined and protected under applicable law ("Personal Information") may be collected, processed, stored, used and shared. By accessing and using this site you are voluntarily consenting to the terms herein, intending to be legally bound.

How Personal Information May Be Collected

Personal Information you may submit to this site (please do not submit any Personal Information to us if you are less than 18 years of age), including, any registration screen or other screen which prompts you to provide information or your consent to DOTmed, any Communication you send through or to/from this site, your participation in any exchange on this site or any other interaction with or activity on this site.

Personal Information DOTmed may receive from any devices, browser or application which you deploy to access or use this site.

Personal Information DOTmed may receive from third parties including, but not limited to, third parties that you authorize to provide Personal Information to DOTmed.

Personal Information that DOTmed may collect from other sources.

Personal Information DOTmed or other parties which maintain a presence on or interact with this site, may collect through standard technology, including, but not limited to "cookies" when you maintain a presence or interact with this site. In respect to cookies, you can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie and give you a chance to accept or reject it.

To opt out of cookie tracking on this site (and others using Google Analytics), please visit: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

Each browser has its own features that allow you to customize your privacy settings and you assume responsibility for the privacy settings associated with your browser.

Personal Information DOTmed may collect based upon your visit to this site or your interaction with this site to improve your experience on this site.

How Personal Information May Be Processed

Personal Information may be processed by DOTmed or third parties as a result of your specific interaction with the site, DOTmed and third parties; or the specific interaction of the site, DOTmed or third parties with you or your business.

How Personal Information May Be Used

DOTmed may use your Personal Information for purpose of providing products/services, marketing or advertising to you.

DOTmed may use your Personal Information for purposes of improving your experience on this site.

DOTmed may use your Personal Information for purpose of improving security relating to the site.

DOTmed may use your Personal Information for purpose of measuring the performance of the site or measurement of user metrics.

DOTmed may use your Personal Information for operational, troubleshooting and customer service purpose pertaining to you.

DOTmed may use your Personal Information for purpose of enforcing our agreement with you.

DOTmed may use your Personal Information for purpose of complying with our legal obligations as required by applicable rules, regulations and law.

How Personal Information May Be Shared

DOTmed may share your Personal Information internally within DOTmed.

DOTmed may share your Personal Information in connection with news and other publications of DOTmed.

DOTmed may share your Personal Information with its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, shareholders and employees.

DOTmed may share your Personal Information with third parties (including, advertisers) with whom DOTmed has a business relationship, for purposes of products/services provision, marketing or advertising.

DOTmed may share your Personal Information with third parties that perform services for DOTmed or you.

DOTmed may generally share your Personal Information per applicable rules, regulations and laws.

DOTmed may share certain of your Personal Information with other users of the site as part of offerings on the site or your use of the site generally.

How Certain Personal Information Shall Not Be Used/Shared

DOTmed shall not share your user name, password with any party.

DOTmed shall not share your credit card information with any party other than the card carrier or its authorized service processing agents.

Security as to Certain Personal Information

DOTmed makes every effort, in accordance with applicable rules, regulations and laws and generally accepted computer industry standards, to maintain appropriate electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure your user name, password and credit card information, prevent it from unauthorized access, and ensure its correct use and transmission.

Required Disclosure of Personal Information

We may disclose any Personal Information about you as permitted or required by applicable rules, regulations or laws, or as necessary based on our good faith belief to conform or comply with applicable rules, regulations and laws or to protect DOTmed, this site, its users, or the public.

Deleting Personal Information

You must contact DOTmed personally and in writing in reference to deleting any of your Personal Information, in whole or in part, from the site as provided for in this Privacy Notice.

Even if you have contacted DOTmed to delete your Personal Information, DOTmed may, in any event, retain and use such Personal Information as permitted or required by applicable rules, regulations and law to be retained or used by DOTmed.

Even if you have contacted DOTmed to delete your Personal Information, DOTmed may, in any event, retain such Personal Information where such Personal Information is associated with commercial transactions engaged in by you through the site.

All "deleted" Personal Information will continue to remain on DOTmed’s server in a dormant status.

Your Status & Opting-Out

If you are not enrolled as a registered user on this site, you will not be able to avail yourself of certain features of the site.

If you are enrolled as a registered user on the site, and you are in good standing, you may avail yourself of all of the features of the site, subject to all applicable terms and conditions.

If you are a registered user of this site and you cancel your registration by following the instructions in the My DOTmed section of the site, at such time, you may also opt-out of DOTmed’s further collection, processing, storing, use and sharing of Personal Information from such time by separately contacting us.

If you access and use this site as a non-registered user and send Communications through or to/from this site or have subscribed to certain news and other publications of DOTmed, and you wish to cease such activity, you can cease communicating through this site and/or Unsubscribe to news and other publications of DOTmed and you may also at such time opt-out of DOTmed’s further collection, processing, storing, use and sharing of Personal Information from such time, by separately contacting us.

If you access and use this site as a visitor, you can cease visiting the site and you may also at such time opt-out of DOTmed’s further collection, processing, storing, use and sharing of Personal Information from such time by separately contacting us.

In all events, however, any election for DOTmed to cease further collection, processing or use of your Personal Information shall apply prospectively and DOTmed shall not be under any obligation or liability to delete any records of DOTmed which may contain your Personal Information which DOTmed is permitted or required to maintain under applicable rules, regulations or laws.


Updating and Unsubscribing for Registered Users

If you are a registered user on this site and you wish to update your registration on the site, please do so by following the instructions in the My DOTmed section of the site.

If you are a registered user, you may unsubscribe to all or some of DOTmed’s services available to you by clicking on Unsubscribe at the bottom of the DOTmed homepage and unsubscribe as prompted on the site.

Updating and Unsubscribing for Non-Registered Users

If you are accessing and using the site as a non-registered user and you wish to update your Personal Information on the site, please do so by separately contacting us.

If you are accessing and using the site as a non-registered user, you may unsubscribe to all or some of DOTmed’s services available to you by clicking on Unsubscribe at the bottom of the DOTmed homepage and unsubscribe as prompted on the site.


If EU Global Data Protection Rules ("GDPR") is applicable to your Personal Information, following additional terms apply:

By accessing and using this site, in each instance, you confirm that your consent is freely given, specific, informed and an unambiguous indication by you to your agreement to the terms of this Privacy Notice.

By accessing and using this site, in each instance, you confirm that you explicitly consent to the collection, processing, storing, use and sharing of Personal Information by DOTmed and third parties.

By accessing and using the site, in each instance, you confirm that you explicitly consent to sharing, profiling, exporting and cross-border transfer of Personal Information by DOTmed and third parties. DOTmed servers that operate this site are based in the U.S. and not in the EU.

The consents given above encompass the use of cookies or other local storage and the collection, sharing and use of Personal Information for personalization of adds and other services.

There may be instances when you access and use the site that you are prompted to re-affirm the consents given above and otherwise given in this Privacy Notice, but, even if you are not so prompted you agree that in each instance that you access and use this site, the consents given above and otherwise given in this Privacy Notice are applicable to you.

DOTmed will retain a record of any consents given by you.

If you wish to revoke your consent please do so by separately contacting us.

In the event a consent is not given or you revoke your consent, your use of this site may be partially or wholly disabled.

To the extent that any Personal Information is shared by DOTmed with a third party, DOTmed will use commercially reasonable efforts to require the third party to observe this section.

During the time that you are a registered user of this site, you will be subject to all of the terms of this site, including, those applicable to registered users as modified by any of the provisions in this section.

All non-registered users of this site are subject to the terms of this site as modified by any of the provisions in this section, except for those pertaining solely to registered users.


While DOTmed strives to protect your privacy, please be aware that we are unable to guarantee complete security of your Personal Information.

DOTmed does not guarantee nor does it grant any assurances that the site and its Content will not be accessed by unauthorized persons, however, DOTmed does undertake all commercially practicable steps in accordance with generally accepted computer industry standards to prevent or minimize unauthorized access.

In addition, the following circumstances in connection with your Personal Information render such information outside the scope of this Privacy Notice:

Each browser has its own features that allow you to customize your privacy settings and you assume responsibility for the privacy settings associated with your browser.

Clicking on any linked site/advertising banners appearing on the site will take you to third party web sites, which are subject to other privacy practices that may be different from this Privacy Notice.

Any Personal Information, disclosed in any Communications, including, chat rooms, forums, message boards, social networking sites, and/or news groups that are available to visitors who access and use this site may become part of the public domain.

Your account may be accessed and used by unauthorized third parties due to your negligence in not protecting your username or password or your disclosure of your user name and/or password to others.

Web beacons or bots may be used by other users or third parties through this site, without DOTmed’s knowledge, to monitor and collect data about your activities on the internet, which data, may or may not, include Personal Information.

Communications, including, one or more messages once posted on this site, will be stored and cached permanently and may be accessed or stored by third parties even if DOTmed were to remove such.

DOTmed has no obligation or liability regarding security breaches or circumstances that render Personal Information outside the scope of this Privacy Notice.

About Advertisers, Third-party Ad Servers, Linked Sites, Ad Networks & Browsers

Some of the advertisers on this site may use cookies and web beacons.

Some third-party ad servers, linked sites or ad networks use technology to send the advertisements and links that appear on DOTmed directly to your browsers. They automatically receive your IP address and other applicable information about you when this occurs.

Other technologies (such as cookies, javascript, or web beacons) may also be used by such third-party ad servers, linked sites or ad networks to measure the effectiveness of their advertisements and /or to personalize the advertising content that you see.

DOTmed has no access to or control over these cookies, javascript, web beacons or similar technologies that are used by advertisers, third-party ad servers, linked sites and ad networks.

You should consult the respective privacy policies of these advertisers, third-party ad servers, ad networks and linked sites for more detailed information on their practices as well as for instructions about how to opt-out of certain practices.

DOTmed's Privacy Notice does not apply to, and we cannot control the activities of advertisers, third-party ad servers, linked sites and ad networks.

If you wish to disable cookies, javascript, web beacons or similar technologies, you may be able to do so through your individual browser options depending upon the browser that you use. More detailed information about management of such technologies with specific web browsers can be found at the applicable websites of such browsers. Please be aware that disabling technologies may impact some aspects of this site's operation, such as search history and preferences.

DOTmed's Privacy Notice does not apply to, and we cannot control the activities of web browser providers.


The terms of the Legal Notice for this site apply.

DOTmed may revise this Privacy Notice from time to time by posting an updated copy of it to the site and/or by electronic notification.

Information other than Personal Information is not subject to this Privacy Notice and may be collected and used by DOTmed pursuant to applicable rules, regulations and laws. Additionally, for the avoidance of doubt, non-Personal Information, such as business or commercial information provided by you to DOTmed, is not subject to any protection by DOTmed except, where DOTmed has executed with you a separate confidentiality agreement.

Notwithstanding the consent given by you for DOTmed to collect, process, store, use and share Personal Information, DOTmed may do so but is under no obligation to do so and in particular, DOTmed has no obligation to store any Personal Information on your behalf.

For the avoidance of doubt, your information in the public domain or your information which is not defined and protected under applicable law as Personal Information is not subject to privacy protection by DOTmed.

Should you have any questions, concerns or requests about our Privacy Notice, please contact us.

Last updated May, 2018

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All Rights Reserved