Phil visita o vendedor de mammo/CAD no ECR
Philip F. Jacobus, CEO | March 20, 2013
Some of you might remember that Hologic purchased R2. R2 made a computer aided detection workstation for mammography and because they were independent, their product was used on many different manufacturers.
However, Hologic bought the company and it is my prediction that there is an opportunity for another company to manufacture a product that might be used as an add-on to mammo systems.
While I was at ECR, I thought I would do a little investigating and I came across Jeffrey Wehnes, the CEO of VuCOMP, Inc.
Jeff explained that VuCOMP's technological approach is based upon conceptual pattern recognition as opposed to the more conventional learn-by-example technologies used in the past.
I am no rocket scientist but it sounded pretty convincing at the time.
I met two salespeople while I was at there, Ms. Kelly and Mr. Rosene. I have never met them before but when we got talking, they had impressive pedigrees and it always makes me feel good about a company when the sales staff has a background of success.
I think VuCOMP is a company to watch. We will see how right I am a year from now.
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About Phil Jacobus
Phil Jacobus has been involved in health care since 1977, when he visited China to sell equipment. He has done business in 35 countries and still travels extensively. Phil is active in charity, helps rural clinics and always tries to help DOTmed users when he can.
Phil is a member of AHRA, HFMA, AAMI and the Cryogenic Society of America. He has contributed to a number of magazines and journals and has addressed trade groups.
Phil's proudest achievement is that he has been happily married to his wife Barbara since 1989, who helped him found DOTmed in 1998.
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