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Imaging department managers gear up for an exciting AHRA meeting

por Gus Iversen, Editor in Chief | June 26, 2023
Business Affairs

If you are a brand new leader, the aspiring leader track is perfect for you, as it teaches all essential management skills in imaging services.

If you are an experienced leader, then the established leader track is perfect for you. These educational sessions will provide best practices, real-time intelligence and trends on the current and future state of imaging.

If you are planning on taking your CRA exam in the near future, we offer the CRA exam workshop on Sunday, July 5. This will help the imaging leader identify which areas they may need study more prior to taking the CRA exam.

We are offering a unique workshop on how to manage negative/disagreeable employees on Sunday morning (limited spaces). This course will surely prepare the imaging leader to face the tough environment that imaging leaders are navigating.

The Leaders of Choice Program begins at our annual meeting, and then courses continue over the next 12 months, concluding at our 2024 AHRA Annual meeting. With a combination of interactive discussions, monthly webinar presentations, one-on-one coaching and mentoring, and a capstone project customized to each person's challenges and work setting, this program will position the leader to broaden leadership roles in their current environment, or perhaps in the next career opportunity.

HCB News: Are there any sessions or presentations that you're particularly excited about?
BD: I am very excited for our keynote speakers this year! Craig Karges is the keynote speaker on Monday, and he combines the art of magic with the science of psychology and the power of intuition to create the impression that nothing is impossible.

On Tuesday, Shasta Nelson is our keynote speaker. She will help us identify how connected we feel in our industry, in our work, in our personal lives, which all tie into our physical and mental health, our happiness, and our success. The more each of us feels like we belong here (and you do!), the more we can innovate, learn, collaborate, and network in meaningful ways.

On Wednesday, Erin Stafford will help us escape burnout. She will talk about the pandemic, the great resignation, and how to shift our mindset to increase creativity, become more energized, and simply make ourselves happier and more fulfilled in everything that we do.

I am looking forward to being re-energized and reeducated! The guest speakers selected for both the established leader and aspiring leaders will also do a great job, no doubt!

The AHRA annual meetings are my super-bowls. I always return to work with new ideas and a new "lease on life" that carries me through the next several months, as a leader! The past few years have been tougher than usual for imaging leaders, so I'm looking forward to learning best practices to rejuvenate myself and my team. I always take lots of notes and then share what I learn with other leaders in my organization!

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