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6 perguntas com tecnologias médicas de Sentient

| . DOTmed::Language=HASH(0x558665990408)->translator()->translate(text=>'An Interview with') .qq| Eric Graham of Sentient Lasers | November 18, 2014

DOTmed: What outside forces are affecting your business the most?
The Internet?
Reimbursement rates?

DOTmed: What differentiates you from your competitors?
There are several differentiators between Sentient Medical Technologies (SMT) and our competition.
In the pre-owned cosmetic laser industry there is a slew of companies that operate as "Spray-and-Pray" brokers or dealers (Spray with Windex & Pray that it works). Sentient looks to eliminate this model with one that instead provides expertly refurbished lasers back to Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) specifications.
Sentient owns all of the systems we sell. No equipment is drop shipped, brokered or consigned.
Sentient has In-House Specialists that:
Crate and deliver every laser
Sentient offers personalized installation and training for every laser sale.
Plain and simple Sentient offers an alternative for pre-owned cosmetic laser sales that provides more support, services, and a lasting partnership that no other company in our space does.

DOTmed: Give us a snapshot of your business.
Sentient Medical Technologies is located in Kamas, UT, USA. Sentient has been an established company for over 5 years serving both domestic and international markets. We operate out of a 15,000-sq. ft. facility, and have about 30 employees. 1/3 of our staff works in our Biomed department as support and service professionals.
Sentient buys, sells, trades and services/refurbishes pre-owned cosmetic lasers, IPLs and other energy based systems. Our core focus is on the sale and service/refurbishment of cosmetic lasers and IPLs.

DOTmed: What makes you most proud of your company?
My respect for Sentient Medical Technologies has come from multiple sources. Time and time again I receive raving reviews from happy customers that praise us for helping them based off "their needs" not our sales agenda. Sentient truly aims to do and sell what is "best for the client". Sometimes that means less sales, sometimes it means our 15 minutes of free Biomed support solves the problem and no sales results at all, but it always results in a happy customer. I can hardly keep up with posting all the customer testimonials that are coming in on our website!
The response time of both our sales, account management and Biomed department is outstanding. Questions are answered and devices are serviced in record time with the utmost precision.

DOTmed: What new or recent technology is 'hot' in your field?
Astanza Lasers
Palomar Lasers
Lumenis Lasers
Cutera lasers
Syneron Lasers
Candela Lasers
Alma Lasers

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