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Ron de Ru of
NorthWest Supply | November 20, 2014
DOTmed: What differentiates you from your competitors?
We firmly believe that reputation has more long-term value than dollars. By its very nature, pre-owned equipment often requires more interfacing between seller and buyer than simply sending off an item in a box. For the past 17 years NWS has established a solid and proven reputation as a company that makes sure our customers are treated right.
DOTmed: Give us a snapshot of your business.
NWS manages surplus equipment for clinics, hospitals and research laboratories throughout the Pacific Northwest. Our contracted clients send us a wide variety of equipment ranging from small instruments to large imaging modalities. We, in turn, warehouse, remarket and recycle those items to customers nationwide and internationally. To date, we have shipped to over 60 different countries.
DOTmed: What makes you most proud of your company?
Our consistent rating as one of Dotmed’s Top 100 is a distinction of pride for us. It validates that our customers recognize the integrity with which we do business. We are also proud of the inventory management system we have developed. It is, without a doubt, one of the most comprehensive and powerful systems of its type in the industry and allows us to efficiently manage and market a huge inventory of goods. We also take pride in the quality that goes into our packaging. Customers call us on a regular basis to express their appreciation for the care that was taken in shipping their goods, insuring that they arrived in excellent condition.
DOTmed: What new or recent technology is 'hot' in your field?
DOTmed: What are the biggest challenges and opportunities that you face?
We have always enjoyed the close working relationships we have developed with so many smaller care providers in the medical community. The dramatic changes sweeping through healthcare have resulted in many small providers being absorbed into large corporate networks. Navigating these corporate structures while simultaneously maintaining the personalized service our customers enjoy, can be challenging. At the same time, the global market continues to grow presenting ever expanding opportunities for pre-owned equipment.
DOTmed: What outside forces are affecting your business the most?
Global access to email and the internet has probably had the greatest affect on our business. We've seen a proportional increase in electronic communication. Because of this and thanks to DotMed, we enjoy an ever increasing buyer base.