Over 1050 Total Lots Up For Auction at One Location - NJ Cleansweep 02/06

Masterfit médico descobre que os tesouros unchartered dentro territórios

por Mark Taylor, Owner, President, Master Medical Equipment | June 01, 2013

For years auction houses and liquidators have controlled the flow of equipment in and out of the hands of medical equipment distributors around the country.

Through creative marketing and old-fashioned word-of-mouth, MasterFit sales managers are having great success in locating premium equipment in not so obvious locations.

Recently, Mark Taylor, Vice President of Sales, traveled to an undisclosed town in Minnesota in order to secure a sale that would have ultimately ended in the hands of a large liquidator.

“If medical equipment wholesalers could focus on securing equipment in larger quantities, instead of ones and twosies, large hospitals and EMS companies would offer more to us.”

Last week, MasterFit purchased over a hundred pieces of equipment from another unlikely source. Taylor describes his experience as hunting for golden Easter eggs and makes a strong point that, “Obviously there will always be a need for immediate auctioning or liquidation, however, the result of offering equipment to wholesalers directly, yields more profitable dollars for the seller and lowers prices to the end user”.


If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Mark Taylor, please call 731-695-4788 or email Mark@masterfitmedical.com.

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