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Os americanos pensam de ACA bom para o doente, não assim bom para doutores: Gallup

por Brendon Nafziger, DOTmed News Associate Editor | July 17, 2012
The Affordable Care Act, recently spared by the U.S. Supreme Court, is good for the sick and the uninsured, but not so good for everyone else, including doctors -- at least, that's what a lot of Americans think, according to a new Gallup poll.

About 59 percent of respondents to the telephone poll, which surveyed nearly 1,000 U.S. adults, said health reform would make things better for the uninsured, and 55 percent said it would improve the lives of those who are sick.

However, 51 percent said it would make the lot of doctors worse. Also, 57 percent said it would be bad for businesses, and 60 percent said it would hurt taxpayers. Poll-takers were evenly split on the law's effect on hospitals, though, with 45 percent saying it would be bad for them and 45 percent saying it would be good.

Unsurprisingly, Republicans had the gloomiest predictions for the ACA. While majorities of both Democrats and independents said health reform would be good for at least the sick and uninsured, only 28 percent of Republicans said it would help the ill and 45 percent those without insurance. In general, there was a sharp party-line split, with Democrats thinking the bill would benefit everybody.

The poll is based on interviews with 1,004 adults conducted from July 9 through 12. The margin of error is 4 percentage points.

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