Loren Bonner, DOTmed News Online Editor | June 02, 2012
From the June 2012 issue of HealthCare Business News magazine
There’s no shortage of topics to discuss at this year’s Society for Nuclear Medicine’s annual meeting, taking place June 9-13 at the Miami Beach Convention Center. For starters, a new radiopharmaceutical to study amyloid deposits in Alzheimer’s patients just received FDA clearance in April. And a few others are inching closer toward approval with the potential to change the PET market [see this month’s report starting on page 22].
“There is much ongoing progress in nuclear medicine and molecular imaging at the moment, and we have captured this in the educational program for the SNM 2012 Annual Meeting,” said Dr. Peter Herscovitch, MD, chair of SNM’s Scientific Program Committee.
SNM 2012 offers more than 75 expert-led continuing education sessions on molecular imaging technologies, clinical applications, and translational and advanced research topics. Some of these include “F-18 Sodium Flouride PET/CT Bone Imaging” and “Radiopharmaceutical Development and the IND Process.”
Non-CE-courses in the Emerging Technology Sessions will also explore new agents, issues and technologies. This year, there are sessions on new amyloid imaging agents, translating molecular imaging agents into the clinic, and new molecular imaging hardware.
As far as technology goes, topics will range from interoperative imaging and multimodality breast imaging, to dementia brain PET and SPECT and the future of PET/MR. There will also be a session on health care reform—a topic on everyone’s minds these days.
The meeting features more than 1,800 scientific papers and posters submitted by scientists, physicians, pharmacists and technologists in the molecular imaging and nuclear medicine fields. This year, SNM is pleased to announce a record high of 1,465 posters in the poster hall.
“We’re delighted to report that abstract submissions for this year’s meeting have increased by more than 20 percent,” said Herscovitch. “The SPC has reviewed more than 2,600 abstracts that were submitted for this year’s scientific sessions. Accepted abstracts are grouped into 10 tracks representing 58 categories.”
Additionally, the exhibit hall will showcase the latest technologies and products in molecular imaging from more than 150 manufacturers.
Several keynote talks will take place during the SNM Annual Meeting plenary sessions. Dr. Kirk Frey from the University of Michigan Medical Center, will present the Henry N. Wagner Jr. Lecture on “Molecular Imaging of Neurodegenerative Disease,” and Betsy de Parry, author and cancer survivor, will speak at the SNMTS plenary session on “Guiding the Journey: Helping Patients through Illness.”
Due to the positive response from last year, SNM will continue its Virtual Meeting for those unable to attend. The Virtual Meeting will offer up 70 of the most popular sessions for view online or on a mobile device. This includes more than 100 hours of content, featuring the opening plenary, Cassen Lecture Plenary, Highlights Session, plus the Molecular Imaging, Radiopharmaceutical, and Data and Instrumentation Basic Science Summary Sessions. CME, ACPE and VOICE credits will be available through the Virtual Meeting.
Over 5,000 physicians, technologists, pharmacists, physicists, scientists and laboratory professionals in the molecular imaging and nuclear medicine fields from around the world are expected to be in attendance at this year’s meeting.