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O ACR aponta a placa do academy da liderança

por Brendon Nafziger, DOTmed News Associate Editor | August 30, 2011
The American College of Radiology announced six appointments Tuesday to the board of its recently created Radiology Leadership Institute, a leadership academy for radiologists, radiation oncologists and medical physicists.

The Institute, first announced Aug. 16, is expected to launch next July, and will offer Web- and classroom-based courses across the country. Enrollees can work toward a Certificate of Proficiency in Leadership or a Certificate of Advanced Proficiency in Leadership, and can also pursue MBAs at top business schools.

The appointees are a mix of private practice and academic radiologists, so as to develop "a balanced and robust curriculum that targets all levels of radiology experience," in the words of Dr. Cynthia Sherry.

Sherry, medical director of the academy, chair of the ACR Commission on Leadership and Practice Development, and chair of Presbyterian Hospital's radiology department, is one of the new board members.

The others include:

• Dr. Cheri Canon, professor and chair of radiology at the University of Alabama's medical school; she also chairs the ACR Commission on Education and sits on the ACR Board of Chancellors and the American Institute for Radiologic Pathology's educational advisory board.

• Dr. Arl Van Moore Jr., who heads Charlotte Radiology in N.C. He's a past chair of the ACR Board of Chancellors. Currently, he leads the Board of Strategic Radiology, an image-sharing consortium of 15 private radiology practices.

• Dr. Lawrence Muroff, who runs Imaging Consultants Inc. and serves as a clinical professor of radiology at University of Florida and University of South Florida's school of medicine. He's also president emeritus of diagnostic imager educators Educational Symposia Inc.

• Dr. Alexander Norbash, an interventional radiologist who serves as chairman and professor of radiology at Boston University.

• Dr. Geoffrey Rubin, a cardiovascular research professor and chair of the radiology department at Duke University's medical school. He's also radiologist-in-chief at Duke University Hospital.

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