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Perfil video: Resonance Tecnologia, Inc.

por Brendon Nafziger, DOTmed News Associate Editor | January 06, 2010
Lying almost motionless while enclosed in a tube, deafened by the roar of a 3 Tesla magnet -- MR scans are often an unpleasant experience, especially for young children. That's why companies like Resonance Technology have come up with MR-compatible audio/visual equipment to make the exam less stressful.

"I would say more than 50 percent of our customers are children's hospitals; usually they're return customers," Mokhtar Ziarati, president of the Northridge, CA-based company, tells DOTmed News in the video, below.

Ziarati demonstrates the fully magnet-compatible LCD displays, goggles and headphones that let patients listen to music or watch television programs during an MR scan. While these fiber-optic devices might make the experience more enjoyable, they also can have clinical benefits. According to Ziarati, some studies show that they can help reduce sedation rates in children undergoing the scans.

Click the video below to learn more about these products.

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Mokhtar Ziarati at RSNA 2009stats
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