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ScanLabMR awarded patent for system and method of medical simulation

Press releases may be edited for formatting or style | December 23, 2024 Business Affairs MRI
ORLANDO, Fla., Dec. 23, 2024 —Today, MRI and CT simulation software leader, ScanLabMR, announces the issuance of a patent for System and Method of Medical Simulation by the U.S. Patent Office. ScanLabMR’s recently won patent covers their software’s technology for providing simulation of a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) medical imaging procedure.

Originally filed November 23, 2021, patent number 20220252687 protects ScanLabMR’s proprietary technology, which provides users the ability to simulate an MRI procedure or examination on their computer based on a selection of various criteria.

This patent also protects ScanLabMR's unique quantitative assessment tools based on author standards, providing users with real-time feedback and a grade so that educators and managers can objectively evaluate their students' and staff's MRI knowledge and scanning skills.
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In addition, the patent includes ScanLabMR’s ability to overlay major vendor interfaces over top of ScanLabMR’s simulation software which will, for the first time ever, allow the user to learn the modality of MRI in the vendor environment they are most comfortable with.

In years past, MRI technologists struggled to acquire sufficient scanning practice to learn and maintain the expert skill needed to accurately perform scans. Now, users of ScanLabMR’s MRI simulation software can test and refine their skills without risking patient health or disrupting clinical schedules.

"Being awarded this patent speaks to the new and special approach that we’ve taken in skill assessment and simulation within ScanLab as a whole”, said Matthew Hayes, President and Creator of ScanLabMR. “We couldn’t be more pleased with this outcome!"

About ScanLabMR and ScanLabCT
ScanLabMR and ScanLabCT are the first-ever MRI and CT simulators that quantify and assess clinical competence and scan quality. ScanLab’s revolutionary virtual software replicates real-life MRI and CT scans and clinical situations so users can experience all thoughts and practices of being at the scanner but without unnecessary safety risk to the patient, loss of revenue, and time and scheduling constraints. ScanLabMR and ScanLabCT also provides educators and managers with the tools to evaluate and quantitatively assess user performance to bring a higher standard of education and training to universities, hospitals, and medical facilities.

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