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Agfa HealthCare secures deal with Alliance Medical for comprehensive cloud-based enterprise imaging solution across UK

Press releases may be edited for formatting or style | June 10, 2024 Business Affairs

Transformative Technologies Delivering an Exceptional User Experience

The solution includes the AGFA HealthCare Enterprise Imaging Platform, with Shared Workflow and the XERO® Exchange Network (XEN):

Designed around scalability, connectivity and clinical collaboration, Enterprise Imaging enables near-real-time access to images and delivers powerful tools and features for diagnosis, collaboration, workflow and more. By facilitating "imaging without barriers," it supports patient and clinician work-life balance, as well as the balancing of radiologists’ tasks and reporting workloads between different organisations.
Fully embedded artificial intelligence and advanced visualisation tools for molecular imaging all support complex clinical workflows by providing a solution that is readily available regardless of location and time.
The Enterprise Imaging Collaborator tool and the new Shared Workflow feature offer completely new ways of managing activity to match reporting capacity with demand, improve clinician collaboration through multi-author workflows, and align unified ‘specialist’ Reporting Worklists with scarce reporting skills. The embedded XERO® application enables clinical teams to engage and share information. Enterprise Imaging is now entering the era of streaming clients capable of displaying large amounts of data in near real-time.
AGFA HealthCare Enterprise Imaging is powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud services, which gives Alliance Medical access to the security, reliability and scalability of the public cloud.

The platform is complemented for referrals by two market-leading solutions, including:

xWave Technologies’ Smart Referring, an advanced portal for referring clinicians, integrated with Enterprise Imaging XERO®. xWave Smart Referring incorporates a dynamic Clinical Decision Support system which supports clinicians in accessing the most appropriate diagnostic test for their patients. Innovations such as the Smart Vetting workflow also reduce workloads for administrative and clinical staff, while improving patient safety and care.

Streets Heaver’s Compucare® PAS/EPR (patient administration system/electronic patient record): This market-leading solution is designed for private patient workflows as well as managing NHS contracts and eReferrals. It supports all clinical activity types from general clinic consultations to diagnostic imaging workflows, as well as other non-imaging diagnostic services. Patient engagement is supported through the Patient Portal.

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