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Children’s Hospital Colorado launches state’s first pediatric precision medicine institute

Press releases may be edited for formatting or style | July 27, 2023 Pediatrics
Aurora, Colo. (July 26, 2023) – Children’s Hospital Colorado (Children’s Colorado) today announced the launch of the Precision Medicine Institute, which will allow experts to more efficiently integrate precision medicine into care provided to patients throughout the hospital. The Precision Medicine Institute uses innovative technology to integrate big data, including genomic data, into each individual patient's care plan to determine the best treatment for each patient.

Precision medicine, also known as personalized medicine or genomic medicine, uses the most up-to-date technology and information to address the root causes of a patient’s disease, allowing experts to provide more precise diagnoses resulting in more targeted treatment plans, better outcomes and potential pathways to cures. Children’s Colorado specialists are pioneering novel precision medicine treatments for numerous childhood diseases such as pediatric cancer, rare neurodegenerative diseases, cystic fibrosis, cardiomyopathy, neuromuscular conditions, genetic and metabolic disease and many others.

“Our investment in precision medicine is critical in that it drives the future of medicine and patient care. The work will focus on diagnostics, therapeutics and education to ensure the most comprehensive and holistic care now while enabling integrated research that will result in future discovery,” said David Brumbaugh, MD, Chief Medical Officer at Children’s Colorado. “I’m proud of our team who are committed to evolving the state of medicine and advancing access to the best care for patients and their families.”

A recent $5 million gift from Elizabeth “Betsy” Searle, Chair of the Children’s Hospital Colorado Foundation Board of Trustees, will help advance precision medicine to treat and cure childhood diseases such as cancer. Ms. Searle’s vision is that it will allow the Children’s Colorado team of experts to diagnose children faster, treat them more effectively and develop individually tailored cures that could one day eliminate the effects of devastating diseases.

“Accurate genetic diagnoses form the foundation of precision medicine, and we see genomics and next-generation diagnostics driving more precise treatment and care plans,” said Alisa Gaskell, PhD, Scientific Director of the Precision Medicine Institute. “While today we can only diagnose some patients, new technologies and analytical approaches will allow us to understand how genetic makeup affects the course of illness, and that knowledge will help us transform healthcare centered around the unique features of each patient.”

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