Utah man charged with threatening to murder hospital staff

por John R. Fischer, Senior Reporter | April 05, 2022

Violence against medical workers is a growing problem, with federal data saying that healthcare workers are nine times more likely to be victims of intentional workplace violence than employees in other industries. The pandemic has only made it more prevalent due to the frustration and anxiety it causes in patients.

Back in January, a patient at Hanover Regional Medical Center in North Carolina attacked and injured two workers trying to care for him. One woman was choked until she fell unconscious, while the other was strangled with the patient trying to snap her neck. The patient was arrested and charged with two counts of attempted murder and two counts of assault by strangulation. Both workers were reported to be recovering.

The Wisconsin Assembly passed a bill in early March to make violence against healthcare workers a crime. The bill was then passed by the Senate and signed into law by Governor Tony Evers, according to Healthcare Dive.

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