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RANZCR unveils unique artificial intelligence guidelines for healthcare

Press releases may be edited for formatting or style | February 22, 2019 Artificial Intelligence
Hospitals and healthcare practices will be supported in the correct use of artificial intelligence (AI) and other new technology after the development of unique guidelines by The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR).

RANZCR’s draft Ethical Principles for AI in Medicine outline the most appropriate use of AI and machine learning (ML), including how both can successfully help drive even better patient care.

The eight principles, which are now out for public consultation, are believed to be the first of their kind devised by a professional healthcare body and will also include detail on how AI and ML can be used to ensure the protection of patient data and balanced with the application of humanitarian values.

“New technologies such as AI are having a huge impact on healthcare, with enormous implications for both health professionals and patients,” RANZCR President Dr Lance Lawler said. “They have the ability to help doctors work in a more time-efficient and effective manner and – ultimately – provide even greater treatment for patients.

"There are millions of scans such as ultrasound and MRI performed in Australia each year, underlining the critical role imaging plays in healthcare. How radiology adapts to AI will have flow-on effects for patients and other healthcare professionals, which is why it was important for RANZCR to develop these principles. “The agreed principles will, when established, complement existing medicinal ethical frameworks, but will also provide doctors and healthcare organisations with guidelines regarding the research and deployment of ML systems and AI tools in medicine.”

The principles have been developed by RANZCR’s AI Working Group, which was established to assess how best to harness the growing impact of AI and ML on medicine, with an emphasis on radiology and radiation oncology.

"There's lots of hype and misinformation around AI,” Dr Lawler said. “It is important to look beyond that and concentrate on the important issue - how we can best use it for the maximum benefit of patients.

"RANZCR has been a thought-leader in the AI space. As well as forming our AI Working Group, we also hosted the inaugural Intelligence18 summit at Sydney's Doltone House last year which united national and international experts to discuss the impacts of AI on healthcare.

"The draft principles are available to view via the RANZCR website and we would welcome feedback from anyone interested in this area and how AI and ML can be used to their fullest potential.”

The ethical principles will also help RANZCR develop a set of professional standards for the use of AI and ML in radiology and radiation oncology. These standards will be available in due course.

The consultation closes on Friday, April 26.

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