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AdvaMed applauds progress on house bill to improve Medicare LCD process

Press releases may be edited for formatting or style | September 06, 2018 Insurance Medical Devices
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed) issued the following statement from President and CEO Scott Whitaker after the House Ways and Means Committee favorably reported out bipartisan legislation (H.R. 3635) designed to ensure Medicare beneficiary access to needed medical technologies and services:

“Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) are responsible for decisions that impact millions of Medicare beneficiaries, determining which technologies, procedures and services are available to them.

“Unfortunately, the Local Coverage Determination (LCD) process MACs use lacks transparency and does not provide meaningful opportunity for stakeholder input or appeals. As a result, American patients are at risk of being denied access to technologies and services they need.

“The legislation reported out of the Ways and Means Committee today will help address this issue by improving the transparency and accountability of the LCD process.

“Specifically, the legislation would:

Require open and public MAC meetings that are on the record;
Require disclosure by MACs of the rationale for an LCD and the evidence for that decision at the beginning of the LCD process; and
Provide stakeholders with a meaningful reconsideration process for an LCD.

“AdvaMed commends the lead sponsors of the bill – Reps. Lynn Jenkins (R-Mo.) and Ron Kind (D-Wis.) – and the entire Ways and Means Committee for their leadership on this issue. This bill builds on provisions to improve the LCD process in the 21st Century Cures Act and will foster greater transparency, consistency and objectivity in the process, which will ultimately benefit Medicare beneficiaries. We look forward to continue working with Congress, CMS and other key stakeholders to advance this legislation.”

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