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FDA clears Siemens MAMMOMAT Revelation mammo platform

por John R. Fischer, Senior Reporter | March 29, 2018
Women's Health

In addition, the solution’s Personalized Soft Compression capabilities can adjust breast compression to a level that suits the patient’s anatomy, utilizing ergonomic SoftComp Paddles to improve breast positioning, decrease discomfort, and provide more consistent image quality.

Cumming says the wide angle acquisition technology of the MAMMOMAT Revelation has FDA approval for screening mammograms using 3-D only, eliminating the need to acquire 2D FFDM views and resulting in fewer views and less exposure to dose among patients without compromising specificity and sensitivity.

She notes that studies are being done, especially in Europe, to further explore how this could impact what mammography of the future might look like. The goal is to work as efficiently as possible, at the lowest possible dose, without compromising diagnostic accuracy.

“I think what’s exciting is not only that the better depth resolution of the wide angle technology provides better image quality than other systems, but that the power of the technology and the results from these studies mean that we begin to shape the discussion around what more we can do for women down the road. We start thinking about leveraging the strength of the evolving DBT technologies and how might that impact clinical practice? That takes time. But the technology is starting to speak for itself in that regard.”

Siemens is currently preparing for its immediate release. The solution, introduced at RSNA in November, is CE marked and available in parts of Europe.

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