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C-arm sector features new models, improvements in technology

por Lisa Chamoff, Contributing Reporter | April 28, 2017
From the April 2017 issue of HealthCare Business News magazine

Genoray ZEN-7000

Genoray released the third generation of its main C-arm, the ZEN-7000, as a pre-order in December. The company made several image-related improvements, which make the system faster and more customizable, says Jae Perez-Kim, C-arm sales specialist and Genoray manufacturer’s representative with Complete Medical Services. One big change is the addition of a 2-terabyte, archive-dedicated hard drive that is separate from the operating system. This is ideal for facilities that use their EMR system only, without a dedicated picture archive system, such as a PACS system.

“If you don’t have a PACS system, this is a good alternative,” Perez-Kim says. “You can store your images and view them years later.” The new version of the ZEN-7000 also has a remote diagnostic system. “Typically, when the machine goes down, you have to send someone out to open it and test the board,” Perez-Kim says. “This reduces downtime.” The company positions itself as an affordable digital alternative. “Instead of paying for the name, you’re able to get a state-of-the-art, fully digital system with the same features and power for a fraction of the cost,” says Dave Orlando, vice president of the C-arm division at Complete Medical Services.

OEC Elite MiniView

OEC Medical Systems
In September, OEC Medical Systems, a wholly-owned subsidiary of GE Healthcare, received clearance to sell its OEC Elite CFD, with a CMOS flat-panel detector, in Europe, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. The OEC Elite CFD is the company’s first full-size, flat-panel C-arm. Dan Strauch, chief marketing officer for GE Healthcare, says the company was waiting until the technology was perfected before stepping into the flat-panel arena.

Company officials felt that flat-panel detectors based on amorphous silicon were not superior to image intensifiers for the mobile imaging environment. “We stayed with image intensifier technology longer than others,” Strauch says. “People were very satisfied and it met all of their needs. We needed a compelling reason to make that change. We believe with the CMOS technology, the flat-panel technology will meet the image quality expectations of the user, particularly in difficult-to-image situations.”

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