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A eletrônica nuclear do sudeste é uma companhia pequena com uma avaliação grande

por Barbara Kram, Editor | July 05, 2006
Paul Eaton, president,
Southeast Nuclear Electronics

Since 2000, Southeast Nuclear Electronics of Canton, GA, has specialized in nuclear medicine parts and service including ADAC/Philips, Siemens and GE; calibrations, repair, installations, deinstallations, moving and storage. Parts sales include new, remanufactured, used and upgraded.

What's new in nuclear? "Nuclear medicine just keeps going and going. They say it's going to die every time they come out with a new modality such as MRI but nuclear is still very well used," said President Paul Eaton. "Cardiology has gone a long way in breathing new life into nuclear medicine...with software development that makes results just excellent."

In addition to a prevalent disease area and a (baby) booming population in need of the specialty, Southeast Nuclear Electronics enjoys a great reputation and a DOTmed 100 rating.

"With regard to service, I don't sell people things they don't need," Eaton said. "I will typically troubleshoot it down to at least board or sometimes even component level. And when I do get parts I am very conscious of price. I save people money."

Eaton charges only about half the hourly rate of other technicians in the field even though he has 27 years' experience. "It's a `good ol' boy' network," he said. "I know a lot of other people in the industry and if I don't have the part I can typically get it overnight from one of my friends and still make a little money and save the customer a ton of money."

Eaton maintains a 3,500-square-foot warehouse with a half-dozen cameras to use for parts. Customers include hospitals and clinics in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee and the Carolinas. He also works for the big asset management firms and travels to other regions of the country as needed.

In addition to low prices and technical expertise, Eaton's company has built its reputation on its customer focus. "The hard thing to impress on people is you have to fix the customer first," he said. "Generally you have a situation where the person walks into the clinic in the morning, does quality control and finds a problem. Then they make a phone call and you have to respond very quickly. Even if you can't get there right away, call them back to start a dialog. Fix the customer. Let them settle down a little. Then get there and get the job done."