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Unfors RaySafe Inc. assina o acordo com fonte científica do governo (GSS)

Press releases may be edited for formatting or style | March 21, 2013
HOPKINTON, MASS -Unfors RaySafe, Inc. the world leading supplier of X-ray Quality Assurance testing solutions and Real Time Dose Monitoring systems, announced today that it has signed an agreement with Reston, VA-based Government Scientific Source (GSS), the leading dedicated supplier of medical and scientific equipment and consumables to federal, state and municipal governments. Under this agreement, GSS will have the non-exclusive right to offer the RaySafe Xi system in the United States effective immediately.

The RaySafe Xi is used for the quality assurance and service of diagnostic equipment including Radiology, Fluoroscopy, CT, and Mammography. It is used by physicists, biomedical engineers and major X-ray equipment manufacturer's service engineers around the world. The system simultaneously measures kVp, dose, dose rate, HVL, pulse, pulse rate, dose/frame, mA, mAs, time and waveforms and is well-known for its ease-of-use, productivity gains, and consistently reliable measurements.

"We are very excited to partner with Government Scientific Source," said Kevin McMahon, President, Unfors RaySafe, Inc. "Through this partnership, our existing and new customers will be able to more easily procure the RaySafe Xi system through the GSA (General Services Administration)Schedule already established by GSS."

According to Craig Cheltenham, GSS Marketing Manager, "This new relationship with Unfors RaySafe, Inc. will enable GSS to continue our tradition of providing industry-leading products and support to our customers."


About Unfors RaySafe, Inc.
Unfors RaySafe, Inc is a subsidiary of the Swedish technology company Unfors RaySafe AB, the leading supplier of solutions to measure, monitor and manage radiation dose for equipment, staff and patients. Our solutions combine advanced technology, ease-of-use and comprehensive data output with competitive pricing. Unfors RaySafe also provides extensive customer service and calibration services through our state-of-the-art lab facilities in the US and Sweden. The company's headquarters are in Billdal, Sweden, where Unfors RaySafe was founded in 1994. Subsidiaries in the United States, Great Britain, Germany, Singapore, India, Japan and China and a tight sales network address the global market. Among our clients are all major x-ray manufacturers as well as some of the most well-known hospitals worldwide. The company has been certified to the ISO 13485, ISO 14001, ISO IEC 17025 and ISO 9001 quality management standards.

For more information, please visit www.raysafe.com, or contact the company at: info@raysafe.com.

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