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Fabricante NeuroLogica das compras CT de Samsung

por Loren Bonner, DOTmed News Online Editor | January 29, 2013
NeuroLogica's BodyTom
portable CT scanner
Samsung Electronics America, a subsidiary of the Korean electronics giant Samsung Co. Ltd, announced on Monday that it bought the Danvers, Mass.-based NeuroLogica Corp., a company best known for its CT scanners, but also a manufacturer of ultrasound, PET, radiation therapy and MRI equipment.

According to a statement from Samsung, the acquisition represents the next step in expanding the company's push into medical imaging.

"Samsung will continue to strengthen its capabilities and product portfolio to establish itself as a trusted leader in the health and medical equipment industry," said the official statement.

During the past few years, Samsung has been working to establish itself in the medical equipment marketplace, part of a billion-dollar effort by the company.

The financial terms of the deal with NeuroLogica were not disclosed.

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