Brendon Nafziger, DOTmed News Associate Editor | February 27, 2012
Discovery MR750w 3.0T (Credit:GE)
A south Brooklyn imaging center is the first U.S. facility to get GE Healthcare’s new wide-bore 3-Tesla MRI.
GE said Monday that Bay Ridge Medical Imaging P.C.'s Dyker Heights center recently installed the Discovery MR750w 3.0T. The device, which
received Food and Drug Administration clearance in October, features a 70-centimeter bore to accommodate obese, claustrophobic or elderly patients who might have a tougher time squeezing into the narrowing openings on other machines.
Also, to make scans more pleasant for patients, the device features mellow LED accent lights on its sides and the Geometry Embracing Method, or GEM, suite of coils and patient positioning table, which allow for feet-first imaging on all exams and which follow the natural contours of the body for greater patient comfort, GE said.

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Bay Ridge Medical Imaging, founded in 1991, has four offices in Brooklyn, according to its website.