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Exame do ACR: Um terço de práticas do radiology cortaram a equipe de funcionários

por Brendon Nafziger, DOTmed News Associate Editor | October 11, 2011
From the November 2011 issue of HealthCare Business News magazine

Nearly one-third of radiology practices have laid someone off because of the country's fiscal woes, according to a survey published in the October issue of the American College of Radiology Bulletin.

The online survey of 424 radiologists, begun in April, found that the economic downturn that led to record unemployment, the collapse of a major investment bank and a budgetary crisis in Europe also hit U.S. radiologists pretty hard.

According to the survey, about 30 percent of radiologists have let staff go. And for many doctors, having fewer administrative personnel means taking on more non-clinical tasks. About 33 percent of radiologists say they have to do more office work now that they have less help, the survey said.

Extra work also means about 44 percent of respondents said they were less productive as radiologists now. And according to the survey, they're trying to make up for what they've lost by working nights and weekends, and skipping vacations.

"I just try to work faster," one respondent was quoted as saying.

To see the full survey, go to the digital issue of the ACR Bulletin here: http://pages.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/acr/acrbulletin_201110/offline/acr_acrbulletin_201110.pdf

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