Brendon Nafziger, DOTmed News Associate Editor | August 09, 2010
Sen. Enzi's office said that, at least in spirit, it would apply beyond Medicare-involved centers.
"If you want to look at it strictly from the standpoint of 'I don't have to worry about compliance, because I don't bill any Medicare, and therefore can't be penalized,' that's true," Orfield wrote in an e-mail. "But that really misses the point of the CARE Act."
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The similar House CARE bill, still in committee, currently has 117 co-sponsors, Lung said.
Another Bill in the Works?
Over its August recess, Congress may be working on a broader medical imaging bill to "address some of the concerns that were raised in the New York Times articles," Lung said. If that comes to pass, ASRT hopes the CARE bill would be folded within that larger legislation.
The Senate is currently on recess until Sept. 13. Once it returns, Sen. Enzi's office predicts the Senate's CARE bill might go through the upper chambers "pretty easily and pretty quickly."
"We'd hope it could be acted on before the October adjournment, but it is the Senate," Orfield said. "You never know."
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