Might reduce amount of additional surgeries
Materials and methods discussed
First curved matrix electronic 4-D probe
May also lead to earlier treatment and better outcomes
AEG-Prom shows promise
New opportunity for freestanding ERs
Donates money and products
Equivalent to CT and adds no radiation
ASTRO presents breakthrough study
More patients insured but doctors are at full capacity
Leveraging big data to improve outcomes
May help improve treatment monitoring
Goes against the previous notion
Events highlight new advances
Shows structures that mammo can't
HCCI works with insurance companies to create it
Sharper images and no increase in dose
First study to look at societal impact
Imaging technology needs to get up to speed first
May be the foundation for thymus transplant treatment
MR shows changes in their brains
Underscores need for simpler alerts
Propels their economy and job market
Advances in ease of use and ergonomics
Making drug therapy more personal
Helps position devices
New GE research shows worldwide consensus
Data security breaches are a big issue in U.S.
$21-million-dollar facility to open in the spring
Uses acoustic pressure from ultrasound
Dr. Joel Nobel dies at 79
Improves quality of life and life span for cystic fibrosis patients
Improves reconstructed image quality
Only U.S. domestic supply
Leveraging wearable devices and big data
Banding together to put an end to Ebola
Doctor in Germany images patient in Boston
Vendors and policymakers need to step it up
Expected to reach $26.7 billion by 2020
Might quell debate
Despite harsh environment
Also leads to more provider competition
Helps with diagnosis and treatment
Leads to earlier diagnosis
The $1.3 billion deal expected to be finalized first quarter, 2015
May provide customers with end-to-end solution
Goes into effect Oct. 1
Helps patients with no mobility
Not the ACA
Brings together medical system expertise