All Gabarito para Macon Health Solution (35 Ratings)
More weight for healthcare provider ratings
Our users asked us to change the DOTmed 5-Star Rating System and give more weight to ratings from healthcare providers because, as end-users, they are in the best position to evaluate a dealer's products and services. Therefore, if you work for a healthcare facility, your ratings now have twice the value of dealer-to-dealer ratings. Please rate every company you do business with.
Rating for Marie Jones,
by Alex Trayduk, MEDIVIT
December 26, 2024

My company worked with this scammer for 5 years. We have repeatedly encountered equipment non-compliance, delivery deadlines, goods arriving without proper packaging. The seller sending empty containers, two times! Richard said, that an error during loading occurs in the warehouse, etc. We continued to cooperate for 3 years with such constant problems. Then we bought a Brilliance 64 CT slices from him for 70K and an X-ray machine for 12K, a war began in my country. I asked to hold the shipment until the situation stabilizes. After 3 months, I asked to send the paid equipment. He sent a container to us. During the delivery of this container, he offered us another machine for a good price, we paid him another 60K .
First container arrived to us with Philips Mx8000 Quad, 4 slices insted Brilliance 64, scrap metal.
The second System was not sent at all, which we paid 60K.
In the end, we lost 130K, he returned 30K a year later. He promises to return the remaining 100K over 2 years from 2022.
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