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Spectrometer maciço Services and Repairs

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Service For WATERS ZQ/Quattro Multi-vendor service and repair Mass Spectrometer

Service Contracts - we support and maintain your equipment with our staff of chemists and service engineers Depot Repair - Send us your equipment for repair! Broken equipment? Send it to us for... Veja mais

October 30  

Service For THERMO FINNIGAN UV 6000 Multi-vendor service and repair Mass Spectrometer

Service Contracts - we support and maintain your equipment with our staff of chemists and service engineers Depot Repair - Send us your equipment for repair! Broken equipment? Send it to us for... Veja mais

October 30  

Service For THERMO SCIENTIFIC TSQ Vantage MS Multi-vendor service and repair Mass Spectrometer

Service Contracts - we support and maintain your equipment with our staff of chemists and service engineers Depot Repair - Send us your equipment for repair! Broken equipment? Send it to us for... Veja mais

October 30  

Service For THERMO SCIENTIFIC TSQ Vantage Multi-vendor service and repair Mass Spectrometer

Service Contracts - we support and maintain your equipment with our staff of chemists and service engineers Depot Repair - Send us your equipment for repair! Broken equipment? Send it to us for... Veja mais

October 30  

Service For THERMO SCIENTIFIC TSQ Ultra Multi-vendor service and repair Mass Spectrometer

Service Contracts - we support and maintain your equipment with our staff of chemists and service engineers Depot Repair - Send us your equipment for repair! Broken equipment? Send it to us for... Veja mais

October 30  

Service For THERMO SCIENTIFIC TSQ Quantum Ultra Triple Quad Multi-vendor service and repair Mass Spectrometer

Service Contracts - we support and maintain your equipment with our staff of chemists and service engineers Depot Repair - Send us your equipment for repair! Broken equipment? Send it to us for... Veja mais

October 30  

Service For THERMO SCIENTIFIC TSQ Quantum Ultra Multi-vendor service and repair Mass Spectrometer

Service Contracts - we support and maintain your equipment with our staff of chemists and service engineers Depot Repair - Send us your equipment for repair! Broken equipment? Send it to us for... Veja mais

October 30  

Service For THERMO SCIENTIFIC TSQ Quantum Classic Multi-vendor service and repair Mass Spectrometer

Service Contracts - we support and maintain your equipment with our staff of chemists and service engineers Depot Repair - Send us your equipment for repair! Broken equipment? Send it to us for... Veja mais

October 30  

Service For THERMO SCIENTIFIC TSQ Quantum Access MAX Multi-vendor service and repair Mass Spectrometer

Service Contracts - we support and maintain your equipment with our staff of chemists and service engineers Depot Repair - Send us your equipment for repair! Broken equipment? Send it to us for... Veja mais

October 30  

Service For THERMO SCIENTIFIC TSQ Quantum Multi-vendor service and repair Mass Spectrometer

Service Contracts - we support and maintain your equipment with our staff of chemists and service engineers Depot Repair - Send us your equipment for repair! Broken equipment? Send it to us for... Veja mais

November 10  

Service For THERMO SCIENTIFIC TSQ Endura Triple Quad Multi-vendor service and repair Mass Spectrometer

Service Contracts - we support and maintain your equipment with our staff of chemists and service engineers Depot Repair - Send us your equipment for repair! Broken equipment? Send it to us for... Veja mais

November 10  

Service For THERMO SCIENTIFIC TSQ Access Max Multi-vendor service and repair Mass Spectrometer

Service Contracts - we support and maintain your equipment with our staff of chemists and service engineers Depot Repair - Send us your equipment for repair! Broken equipment? Send it to us for... Veja mais

November 10  

Service For THERMO FINNIGAN TSQ 7000 Multi-vendor service and repair Mass Spectrometer

Service Contracts - we support and maintain your equipment with our staff of chemists and service engineers Depot Repair - Send us your equipment for repair! Broken equipment? Send it to us for... Veja mais

November 10  

Service For THERMO SCIENTIFIC TSQ Multi-vendor service and repair Mass Spectrometer

Service Contracts - we support and maintain your equipment with our staff of chemists and service engineers Depot Repair - Send us your equipment for repair! Broken equipment? Send it to us for... Veja mais

November 10  

Service For THERMO FINNIGAN SSQ 710 Multi-vendor service and repair Mass Spectrometer

Service Contracts - we support and maintain your equipment with our staff of chemists and service engineers Depot Repair - Send us your equipment for repair! Broken equipment? Send it to us for... Veja mais

November 10  
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Spectrometer maciço

Um espectrômetro de massa é um instrumento de laboratório usado para medir a relação massa-carga das partículas. É uma ferramenta essencial em muitos campos da pesquisa científica, incluindo química, física e biologia. O espectrômetro de massa funciona ionizando uma amostra e medindo a massa dos íons resultantes. Essas informações podem ser usadas para identificar a composição da amostra e estudar suas propriedades.

Os espectrômetros de massa vêm em diversos tamanhos e preços, dependendo do tipo de instrumento e de suas características. Modelos menores de bancada podem custar alguns milhares de dólares, enquanto modelos maiores e mais avançados podem custar dezenas de milhares de dólares. Muitos fabricantes fabricam espectrômetros de massa, incluindo Agilent, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bruker e Shimadzu. Essas empresas oferecem uma variedade de modelos, desde instrumentos básicos até instrumentos mais sofisticados com recursos avançados.