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WebStore for Barja Medical Equipment Corp

Barja Medical Equipment Corp

Calixto Barja, Sales Manager
DOTmed user prior to August 2001

7205 NW 68 St,suite 8
Miami, FL 33166 USA
Phone: +1 (305) 527-5661
Calixto Barja, Sales Manager
Phone:+1 (305) 527-5661

Most Common Categories

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PHILIPS Hd11 Xe Serviço compartilhado Vende Se

Modelo de ultrassom Philips Shared Services HD11XE em perfeitas condições, inclui: C5-2 AbdominalC8-4V EndovaginalC8-4V EndovaginalS4-2 CardíacoPronto para... Veja mais

February 07

Asking Price:
$8,500 USD

GE Logiq E9 Serviço compartilhado Vende Se

Ge Logiq E9 X-DClear R6..2.0 software with all options opened include Cardia,Vascular,Ob,Gyn,Urology,Abdominal...this was manufactured in 2017 include : M5S-D C1-6D 1C5-9D 9L-D All in... Veja mais

February 07

Asking Price:
$33,500 USD

PHILIPS CX50 Serviço compartilhado Vende Se

Phjilips portable ultrasound model CX50 Cart A with all option openeds..with cart multiples probes conector excellent system include: S5-1 Cardiac adult transducer L12-3 Linear transducer C5-1... Veja mais

February 07

Asking Price:
$16,500 USD

PHILIPS HD7 Serviço compartilhado Vende Se

Philips Shared services system with Cardiac S4-2,Linear L12-3..Great condition Probes availables C5-2 abdominal C8-4V... Veja mais

February 07

Asking Price:
$5,250 USD

GE Logiq E9 XDclear Serviço compartilhado Vende Se

Manufactured 2017..software R6..2.0 in excellent condition The LOGIQ E9 with XDclear is a powerful and versatile general imaging system that helps meet a wide variety of general imaging needs. With... Veja mais

February 07

Asking Price:
$31,500 USD

BK MEDICAL PROFOCUS Serviço compartilhado Vende Se

Ultrasound Color Dopple model BK Profocus include: Transducer TYPE 8808 Endorectal Transducer TYPE 8811 Linear Transducer TYPE 8666 Laparascope All i perfect condition,,,[please check all... Veja mais

February 07

Asking Price:
$8,500 USD

PHILIPS CX50 Serviço compartilhado Vende Se

Portable ultrasound Philips model CX50 with cart. Thre ports transducers.in excellent condition with all options are opened..include: S5-1 Adult cardiac L12-3 Linear transducer X7-2T ... Veja mais

February 07

Asking Price:
$22,500 USD

ACUSON P500 Serviço compartilhado Vende Se

Carrinho de ultrassom para Acuson P500 NOVO ..conector de três portas,,,Excelente marca... Veja mais

February 07

Asking Price:
$850 USD

ACUSON P300 Serviço compartilhado Vende Se

Siemens, Acuson P200 portable ultrasound in excellent condition include : Abdominal transducer model CA431 Linear transducer LA522 Endocavitary Transducer EC1123 Pencill CW Color Flow... Veja mais

February 07

Asking Price:
$5,500 USD

PHILIPS Cx50 Serviço compartilhado Vende Se

Philips portable ultrasound model CX50 Cart A with all option opened...include cart..abdominal..Linear..Cardiac and transvaginal transducer....other probes are available extra cost... Include C5-1... Veja mais

February 07

Asking Price:
$16,500 USD

SONOSITE 180Plus Serviço compartilhado Vende Se

Sonosite 180plus em perfeitas condições de funcionamento inclui bateria de transdutor convexo, linear e transvaginal e adaptador de energia CA, tudo em ótimo... Veja mais

February 07

Asking Price:
$1,500 USD

PHILIPS HD15 Serviço compartilhado Vende Se

Sistema de ultrassom de serviços compartilhados Philips mopdel HD15 carrinho ergonômico excelente máquina com tela sensível ao toque inclui transvaginal//abdominal...linear, volumétrico 3D4D,... Veja mais

February 07

Asking Price:
$14,500 USD

BIOSOUND Esaote MyLab Twice Serviço compartilhado Vende Se

Esaote ultrasound system in excellent condition with many transducer ..include endocavitary EC1123,,cardiac PA240...Linear LA332...abdominal CA541..all in great working... Veja mais

February 07

Asking Price:
$8,500 USD

GE Logiq E Serviço compartilhado Vende Se

Ge Logiq E R5.. shared service portable system with Deluxe cart with 3 probes conector E8C-RS Endocavirtary transducer 3S-RS Cardiac transducer 8L-RS Vascular transducer 4C-RS Abdominal... Veja mais

February 07

Asking Price:
$12,500 USD

PHILIPS Iu22 Xmatrix Serviço compartilhado Vende Se

Philips ultrasound system model IU22 Cart G-1 with Elastography L9-5,L17-5.S5-1,C5-1 ,V6-2 3D/4D ,and endovaginal transducer.. All in excellent... Veja mais

February 07

Asking Price:
$14,500 USD

Most Common Categories