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WebStore for Xplore Medical Sales,Inc.

Xplore Medical Sales,Inc.

Aytac Mavruk, President
DOTmed user since January 2011

260 West Broadway
Unit# 4
New York, NY 10013 USA
Phone: +1 (718) 306-7054
Aytac Mavruk, President
Phone:+1 (718) 306-7054

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GE Lightspeed Plus 4 Varredor de CT Vende Se

-2005 GE Light Speed 4 Slice RT with 85cm wide bore CT Scanner System -GE Advantage workstation with 4D and Pulmonary Gating Software - Jedi Generator -It has a May 2016 Varian MCS-7079 , 7.5... Veja mais

March 13  

NEUROLOGICA CereTom® Varredor de CT Vende Se

- 2012 Neurologica CereTom Portable 8 Slice CT Scanner System - 8 Slice - Less than 50 patient - Non-Contrast CT - CT Angiography - CT Perfusion - DICOM Certified - Compatible with all... Veja mais

March 13  

SIEMENS Somatom Sensation 4 Varredor de CT Vende Se

- 2001 Siemens Sensation 4 Slice CT Scanner System - VA47 software - 2010 Dura Tube with 122k scan seconds - IES computer - Spiral system - Excellent working and cosmetic condition -... Veja mais

March 13  

TOSHIBA Asteion Super 4 Varredor de CT Vende Se

-2004 Toshiba Asteion Super 4 CT Scanner - 4 Slice -CXB -400C/1A Tube (June-2009) -Tube Exp. Count:268.155 -Software: V1.62JR004 -Gantry Count: 557.193 -Complete system -Excellent working... Veja mais

March 13  

GE HiSpeed LXI Varredor de CT Vende Se

- 1998 GE LXI Hi Speed Single Slice CT Scanner - MX 165 X-ray Tube installed in April 2011 - The Tube has only 7K slice (10 patient a week) - Hi Speed series 6.03 Software - Slice speed is .8... Veja mais

March 13  

GE any Varredor de CT Wanted

Estamos à procura de Tomógrafos GE HISpeed CT... Veja mais

March 13  

MEDRAD Mark V Provis Injector Angio Vende Se

• March 2006 Medrad Mark V ProVis Cath/Angio Lab Injector System • Model : PRM • Serial#102555 • Complete system • Excellent working and cosmetic condition • Ready to go in our warehouse ... Veja mais

March 13  

SIEMENS dBC Laboratório da catedral Vende Se

-2007 Siemens Axiom Artis dBC Digital Biplane Cardiac Cath Lab System -Twin 20x20 PIXIUM 4800 detectors (Both original) -Frontal Tube - Megalix Cat Plus 125/40/90-121GW - 2018 DOM -Lateral Tube -... Veja mais

March 13  

NEUROLOGICA CereTom NL3000 Móbil de CT Vende Se

-2007 CereTom NL3000 8 Slice Portable CT Scanner -Portable Workstation -Lead Cover Upgrade -New Software Version Upgrade: 05.13 -Last Physics Report: 02/28/2017:PASS -Last Machine... Veja mais

March 13  

ELEKTA Synergy Accelerator linear Vende Se

-2007 Linear Elekta Accelerator System -SL1 Plus Synergy -Console software version Integrity R1.2 -Magnetron -Electron Energies: MeV 6, 9, 12, 15, 20 -Photon Energies: MV 6, 10, 18 -Type of... Veja mais

March 13  

SIEMENS Axiom Artis FA Laboratório da catedral Vende Se

-2005 Siemens Axioma Artis dFA -System Type: Angiography and Cardiac -Generator Model: A100, MA: 1250; kVp: 150 -C-Arm: Axiom Artis FA -C-Arm Type: Floor Mounted -Table Type: Floor Mounted ... Veja mais

March 13  

SIEMENS Axiom Artis Dba Laboratório da catedral Vende Se

-2007 SIEMENS Axion Artis Dba - Bi Plane Angiographic and Neurological System -C-Arm’s with two X-ray tubes Megalix CAT Plus tube from 2013 and Megalix CAT tube from 2014 - VB31G-Syngo with... Veja mais

March 13  

PICKER Linera II Raio X do Chiropractic Vende Se

-1998 Picker Linera II X-Ray -Generator Model 78024 -Single Phase -Table Model: Clinix Flat 4 way -Tube Stand: Floor Mounted -Wall Bucky -No Phototimed -Collimator Model: Linear II -Original... Veja mais

March 13  

SIEMENS Mammomat 300 Unidade de Mammo Vende Se

-1995 Siemens Mammomat 3000 Mammo System - Tube: 2008 - 18x24 - 24x30 Bucky’s - Dual 0.1 -0.3 Focal Spots - Standard Paddles - Magnification Kit - Needle Localization Paddles - Lead Glass... Veja mais

March 13  

SUMMIT High Frequency Multi-Purpose Quarto do Rad Vende Se

-2005 Summit High Frequency Multi-Purpose System -DOM: October 2005 -CPI 65 KVA 800 MA x 150KVP High frequency generator with remote console and compact components -6 way table including four... Veja mais

March 13