The Dilon 6800® Gamma Camera is optimized to perform Breast-Specific Gamma Imaging/Molecular Breast Imaging (BSGI/MBI) and provide detection of small lesions, providing a vital diagnostic adjunct to mammography and ultrasound. The camera can also be used for general nuclear medicine applications.
It features more than 3,000 individual crystals and 48 position-sensitive photomultiplier tubes (PMT) for high-performance resolution. Other features include: Dilon 6800 Gamma Camera
Compact Detector
* Allows imaging close to the chest wall, thus minimizing dead space.
* Portable detector eliminates the need for installation or a dedicated exam room.
* Movable detector head allows imaging in all mammographic positions, plus selective study of hard-to-reach areas such as the axilla.
* Duplicates standard mammographic views.
* Located in the breast center for same-day diagnostic imaging.
SmartShield® (gamma isolation shield)
* Eliminates shine-through
* Decreases scatter radiation from nearby organs
* Forms and stabilizes the breast with minimal compressio