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Detailed Recent Company Feedback (12 months)

Criteria Average Rating Number of Ratings

All Gabarito para Sigmed Imaging (3 Ratings)

More weight for healthcare provider ratings

Our users asked us to change the DOTmed 5-Star Rating System and give more weight to ratings from healthcare providers because, as end-users, they are in the best position to evaluate a dealer's products and services. Therefore, if you work for a healthcare facility, your ratings now have twice the value of dealer-to-dealer ratings. Please rate every company you do business with.

General Rating for Peter McCallan, by Monte Leona, Digit Systems International
June 27, 2022

Great customer and vendor! It was a pleasure having business with Sigmed for the MRI/CT parts together.


General Rating for Peter McCallan, by Jody Rotenizer, Pinnacle Health
February 19, 2021

Peter McCallan responded: I appreciate the positive feedback Jody.


General Rating for Peter McCallan, by Ron Ragan, Medallion Medical Technologies, Inc.
February 18, 2021

Peter McCallan responded: I appreciate the positive feedback Ron.
