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Rating 1 Month 6 Months 12 Months
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Detailed Recent Company Feedback (12 months)

Criteria Average Rating Number of Ratings
After Sale Service starstarstarstarstar 3
Easy to Deal With starstarstarstarstar 4
Paid on Time starstarstarstarstar 4
Price starstarstarstarstar 3
Product Knowledge starstarstarstarstar 4
Quality of Equipment starstarstarstarstar 3
Quality of Packaging starstarstarstarstar 3
Resolved Problems starstarstarstarstar 4
Returned Calls starstarstarstarstar 4
Shipped on Time starstarstarstarstar 3

All Gabarito para Agiliti (19 Ratings)

More weight for healthcare provider ratings

Our users asked us to change the DOTmed 5-Star Rating System and give more weight to ratings from healthcare providers because, as end-users, they are in the best position to evaluate a dealer's products and services. Therefore, if you work for a healthcare facility, your ratings now have twice the value of dealer-to-dealer ratings. Please rate every company you do business with.

General Rating for Frank de la Garza, by Lisa Pope, Parts Consulting Group
January 11, 2021

(This rating was originally given to Mike Ghazal while employed at Agiliti (formerly Zetta))


General Rating for Valerie Voegtley, by Wayne Kramer, W7 Global, LLC.
January 08, 2021

Always very friendly and responsive. Val is a pleasure to work with!


General Rating for Michael Voegtley, by Mudi Ramesh, Anamika Medical
January 29, 2020


General Rating for Valerie Voegtley, by Rami Marom, MediRam Europe
October 07, 2019


General Rating for Frank de la Garza, by Adam Band, Band Medical Industries, LLC
June 02, 2015

I have been doing business with Zetta for years. And I will continue to do so. (This rating was originally given to Mike Ghazal while employed at Agiliti (formerly Zetta))


General Rating for Frank de la Garza, by an Independent Service Organization
February 26, 2014

(This rating was originally given to Mike Ghazal while employed at Agiliti (formerly Zetta))


General Rating for Frank de la Garza, by Paul Zahn, Shared Medical Services, Inc.
February 22, 2012

(This rating was originally given to Mike Ghazal while employed at Agiliti (formerly Zetta))


General Rating for Frank de la Garza, by David Stopak, A. Imaging Solutions
December 22, 2008

We sold Zetta a system earlier this year and had a very good experience dealing with them. I'll continue to do business with them in the future. (This rating was originally given to Mike Ghazal while employed at Agiliti (formerly Zetta))


General Rating for Frank de la Garza, by Mohamed Maaty, PAN AM IMAGING
February 19, 2008

Very professional and courteous. (This rating was originally given to Mike Ghazal while employed at Agiliti (formerly Zetta))


Newer Ratings