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Med Equip - The Best Source for Refurbished Medical Equipment #1 Patient Monitor Supplier

Most reliable source for New & Re-certified Anesthesia GA machines, Gas & Patient monitors, Syringe pumps, Ventilators Defibrillators & AEDs, accessories for Electro-surgical, Defib pads & batteries & parts. Contact +1 (888) 777-4814 or sales@med-equip.ca

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PM BioMedical. Patient Monitoring Made Easy.

Whether you're looking to purchase, repair, or rent monitoring devices, we've got you covered with our wide range of high-quality products and our exceptional customer service 800-777-6467 sales@pmbiomedical.com

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MEDICAL ACTION INDUSTRIES 422S Medical Action Industries #422S - ROLL, STERI, HEAT-SEAL, 8 Vende Se

Medical Action Industries #422S - ROLL, STERI, HEAT-SEAL, 8" X 100', EACH-QTY. 1 Bolsa de esterilização-Heat Seal View Pack Carretel 8" x 100 (203,2mm x 30,5M Para uso com Vapor e Gás EO... Veja mais

February 05

Asking Price:
$20 USD

David Stuckman / Beta Southwest
telefone: +1 (505) 720-1389
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We Buy & Sell Patient Monitors from GE, Datascope, Welch Allyn, HP/Philips!

We Buy & Sell many makes and models of Patient monitors, telemetry units, modules and more. Call today to place an order or receive pricing for your surplus equipment. 800.388.4078.

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ASPECT MEDICAL DSC-2 P/N 185-007 Bis Module For Aspect 2000 Bis Monitor Vende Se

Detalhes do produto: Fabricante Aspect Medical Item: Módulo 2000 Aspect Medical DSC-2 P/N 185-007 Bis para monitor Aspect 2000 ou A-1050 Bis Modelo/Cat. nº 185-007 Nº de série D39141 Fabricado... Veja mais

February 05

Asking Price:
$125 USD

Asif Bhinder / Medicka
telefone: +1 (952) 232-5970

SMITH MEDICAL Capnocheck PLUS Monitor Vende Se

Arte. Nº: 20523 excelente estado cosmético e técnico Modelo: Smith Medical - Capnocheck PLUS Equipamento do aparelho conforme mostrado nas fotos Pronto para exportação. Entre em contato... Veja mais

February 03

Asking Price:
€790 EUR

Jens Pramor / Pramor Medical GmbH
telefone: +49 15157631680
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Pioneer Biomedical – The #1 Solution for All Your Patient Monitor Needs!

Our expert team provides prompt, dependable solutions for rentals, sales and repairs on patient monitors, gas modules, telemetry and more! We focus on producing superior results and providing first-class customer service. Call (888) 644-3274.

February 03

Asking Price:
$1,850 USD
$1,480 USD (20% Off)

Ali Rehman / Tekyard LLC
telefone: +1 (410) 999-4982
February 03

Asking Price:
$108 USD

Ali Rehman / Tekyard LLC
telefone: +1 (410) 999-4982

FUTURE MEDICAL SYSTEMS Duo+ Sistema do Shaver de Arthroscopy Vende Se

Sistema de gerenciamento de fluidos FMS Duo+ com barbeador integrado. - S/N 0726F4298 - REF 4580 - Pedal incluído Lado esquerdo: bomba de fluido / Lado direito: barbeador - Caixa de interface... Veja mais

February 03

Asking Price:
€1,800 EUR
€450 EUR (75% Off)

SMITHS MEDICAL CADD-Prizm PCS II Infusion da bomba IV Vende Se

Bomba de infusão ambulatorial Smiths Medical CADD-Prizm PCS II modelo... Veja mais

February 04

Asking Price:
$150 USD

Matin Kondori / SakoMed
telefone: +1 (844) 433-7256
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USOC Medical - GE/Philips Patient Monitor Repair Experts 1.855.888.8762

We are experts in medical equipment repair & sales solutions for hospitals, clinics, dealers & healthcare facilities of all types. USOC is the leader in quality & turn around time on GE & Philips patient monitoring Repair. customerservice@usocmedical.com

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LODE B.V. MEDICAL Arm Ergometry Macine Vende Se

Artigo #314122 Título: Lode BV Medical Arm Ergometry Macine Fabricante: Lode BV Medical Modelo: Descrição: Macine para Ergometria de Braço Quantidade: 1 Localização do item: Armazém MN ... Veja mais

February 04

Asking Price:
$2,667 USD

Ali Rehman / Tekyard LLC
telefone: +1 (410) 999-4982
February 04

Asking Price:
$250 USD

Ali Rehman / Tekyard LLC
telefone: +1 (410) 999-4982
February 04

Asking Price:
$333 USD
$266 USD (20% Off)

Ali Rehman / Tekyard LLC
telefone: +1 (410) 999-4982
February 05

Asking Price:
$40 USD

telefone: +1 (848) 333-4906

SMITHS MEDICAL 75FHXL60 Bivona Silicone Tracheostomy Tube Vende Se

Este item é novo na caixa com uma data de validade expirada. Este produto destina-se a ser utilizado apenas para fins de treinamento e... Veja mais

February 05

Asking Price:
$50 USD

February 05

Asking Price:
$60 USD

telefone: +1 (848) 333-4906