Over 150 Utah Auctions End Today - Bid Now
Over 40 Total Lots Up For Auction at Two Locations - Over 350 Colorado Auctions End Tomorrow 03/13 - Bid Now, FL 03/31

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Quality Pre-Owned Monitors for Rent – Request a Quote

Med One offers rental options for Vital Signs Monitors, Patient Monitors, and Bedside Monitors to be used in General Care, ICU, and NICU settings across the hospital. All monitors are cleaned, serviced and shipped patient-ready.

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Auction Alert - Live Now: Primis Medical Surplus Auctions March 12th

Primis Medical closeout auctions take place on DOTmed.com. Bid today on 187 lots of medical equipment. Appointments are necessary to inspect equipment. We are available Monday through Friday 9AM-4PM call 801-597-8180.

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SPACELABS Ultraview SL Monitor Vende Se

Para mais informações e preços entre em contato... Veja mais

March 11  

SPACELABS Ultraview SL Monitor Vende Se

Visão geral ((InvIDs))321552(((InvIDs))) Monitor de sinais vitais SpaceLabs Ultraview SL (ID do inventário: JSATTAR-321552) Armazém MN de itens O item é como visto nas fotos.. ... Veja mais

March 10

Asking Price:
$275 USD
$242 USD (12% Off)

Ali Rehman / Tekyard LLC
telefone: +1 (410) 999-4982