Over 150 Utah Auctions End Tomorrow 03/12 - Bid Now
Over 400 Total Lots Up For Auction at Two Locations - CO 03/13, FL 03/31

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Purchase Top Refurbished or Used MRIs Today! Call Atlantis Worldwide!

We provide cost effective solutions for your budget & assist you in buying, selling, site planning, project management, installation, service & maintenance for your MRI. For our turn-key solutions call us today 212-366-9100 or info@atlantisworldwide.com

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Altima - Your CT / MRI Diagnostic Imaging Specialists!

Altima will inspire the trust, loyalty and commitment of our customers through positive relationships and collaboration, top quality equipment services, and a clearly superior value proposition. Call Today (469) 644-7063

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GE Signa HDxt 1.5T Varredor de MRI Vende Se

IOM - 2011 Sinal 1.5T HDXT Lista de bobinas: Bobina de cabeça, HNS, bobina de pescoço, bobina de coluna, tronco 12ch, joelho 9ch, bobina de ombro, bobina de pulso, neurovascular, bobina de... Veja mais

March 11  
Eldad Tor / Medical Trade Center
telefone: +972 972547299353

GE Signa HDxt 1.5T Varredor de MRI Vende Se

GE MRI 1.5T HDXT 2010 OPTIMA HD23V-02 Lista de bobinas: bobina de cabeça, bobina de joelho, bobina de ombro, joelho-pés-tornozelo, bobina de pulso, Pé, bobina do tronco, cabeça pediátrica, bobina... Veja mais

March 11  
Eldad Tor / Medical Trade Center
telefone: +972 972547299353

GE Signa HDxt 1.5T Varredor de MRI Vende Se

Signa Excite HDxt 1.5T Ano: 2007 *16 canais *Software versão. HD23V03 (atualizado em dezembro de 2017) *Base Linux 1. Bobina cerebral 2. Cabeça dividida 3. Cabeça, pescoço e coluna de 16... Veja mais

March 11  
Eldad Tor / Medical Trade Center
telefone: +972 972547299353
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United Medical Technologies - 25 Years Selling MRI Scanners Nationwide

For sale used & reconditioned GE, Siemens & Philips MRI systems for immediate delivery & installation. Sales & Service. Special prices on systems in stock. Call 239-210-0970. john@unitedmedicaltech.com. www.mri-equipment.com.

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GE Signa HDxt 1.5T Varredor de MRI Vende Se

2010 ge signa hdxt 16 ch localizado na... Veja mais

March 11  
Eldad Tor / Medical Trade Center
telefone: +972 972547299353
March 10  
Tom Shrader / Medco Blue
telefone: +1 (216) 600-0801
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Need Imaging Parts? X-Ray Tubes? For your CT, MRI, PET/CT, Cath Angio, Rad room, Mammo

Warehouses in EUROPE and USA for global quick support & same day shipping! OEM's supported: PHILIPS, Siemens ,GE, Toshiba/Cannon. Contact any time: rami@mediram.net OR call/ Whatsup: EUROPE inquiries +33 769874253, USA (212)203-3803.

DOTmed Certified stats

GE Signa HDxt 1.5T Varredor de MRI Vende Se

2007 GE 1.5T HDXT 23X 8CH – MXR109599 Bobinas: Neurovascular de 8 canais Cabeça 8ch Joelho 8 Coluna 8 Ombro 4ch Extremidade Pequena Disponível: AGORALocalização: NJ WH Todos... Veja mais

March 09  
DOTmed text ad

MRI Scanners IN STOCK now! View current inventory for new and used equipment

Click here to view Block Imaging’s current inventory: https://www.blockimaging.com/equipment/inventory/mri We buy, sell, rent, and service MRI scanners from top manufacturers including Siemens, GE, Philips, Hitachi, Toshiba, and more!


GE Signa HDxt 1.5T Varredor de MRI Vende Se

2011 GE 1.5T EXCITE HDXT Mobile MRI (EQ-023921)... Veja mais

March 07  
Jeremy Block / Block Imaging
telefone: +1 (517) 668-8800

GE Signa HDxt 1.5T Varredor de MRI Vende Se

2001 GE 1.5T EXCITE HDXT Mobile MRI (EQ-029619) ... Veja mais

March 03  
Jeremy Block / Block Imaging
telefone: +1 (517) 668-8800

GE Signa HDxt 1.5T Varredor de MRI Vende Se

Fabricante: General Electric Modelo: Signa HDxt 1.5T Ano 2007 Fornece imagens de alta definição anatomicamente otimizadas para melhor contraste, desfoque reduzido, prescrições de campo de visão... Veja mais

February 25