Over 250 Total Lots Up For Auction at One Location - TX 12/30

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We provide sales, service & repair for portable ultrasound systems & probes

If you have a broken Sonosite, Mindray, GE, Philips, Hitachi, or Aloka system or probe contact us today. Free ultrasound & probe EVALS with 1 Year Warranty on all repairs. We repair all orders in 1-5 days. Call 844-644-5440 Email: Sales@Lenard.Healthcare

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Probo Medical | We Buy, Repair, and Sell New and Used Ultrasound Equipment

We provide sales, service, rental, and repair for ultrasound systems, probes, and C-arms. We have the largest inventory in the world. Contact us about our special offers on certified refurbished equipment! Call: 317-759-9210 Email: sales@probomedical.com.

Por página


GE 10C-D Transdutor do Ultrasound Vende Se

GE 10C-D, excelente estado. A sonda passou por testes extensivos em nosso laboratório ISO 13845-2016 para verificar sua condição e é fornecida com garantia de 180 dias. Entre em contato conosco... Veja mais

December 05  
Stephen Hodgson / Multi-Medix, Inc.
telefone: +1 (888) 820-6003

GE 10C-D Transdutor do Ultrasound Vende Se

GE 10C-D, excelente condição. ... Veja mais

December 02