Over 1350 Total Lots Up For Auction at Two Locations - NJ Cleansweep 03/27, FL 03/31

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Looking for Used C-Arm Machines? Call Us Today: 407 438 7847

Trust Amber Diagnostics over 30 years of experience buying & selling C-Arm machines. We carry the most popular brands and models like OEC, Orthoscan, Philips, Siemens and more. We offer service, warranty & financing. Contact us today to get a FREE QUOTE!

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Looking for replacement parts for your imaging equipment?

Over 35,000 parts in stock for all modalities including MRI, CT, Cath Lab, Mammography & C-Arm. Enjoy same day shipping until 7:30PM EST Mon-Fri & 24/7 technical support. Visit https://parts.blockimaging.com to order today! Call Block Imaging 877-621-2887

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March 03  

OEC Elite C-Braço For Sale or Rent

2019 OEC Elite 9in Vascular MTS [EQ-014750]... Veja mais

March 07  
Jeremy Block / Block Imaging
telefone: +1 (517) 668-8800
DOTmed text ad

Bluestone Diagnostics: Buy Sell Lease Rent.Call 877 904 1904

We carry high quality pre-owned c-arms and minis from OEC 9800, 9600, 9400, 6800, 6600, Philips, Siemens, Ziehm, Hologic, Fluoroscan, and XiScan . We work with you to provide a system to match your facility's specific needs.

DOTmed Certified stats


pense verde. Outra listagem de qualidade de sua fonte confiável de equipamentos médicos, ... Veja mais

March 14

Asking Price:
$335 USD
$295 USD (12% Off)

Ali Rehman / Tekyard LLC
telefone: +1 (410) 999-4982

GENORAY Oscar 15 FD C-Braço Vende Se

Novo braço em C Genoray Oscar 15 FD: Características: C de tamanho grande com rotação nublada de 60 polegadas - Modo de dose baixa - Aprimoramento de borda - Redução de ruído - Correção de... Veja mais

February 25  
Christopher Bacon / Mini C-Arm.com
telefone: +1 (800) 643-2998

OAKWORKS DTPM300 Tabela do C-Braço Vende Se

$ 8.260 (menor preço anunciado permitido) LIGUE OU E-MAIL PARA SABER SEU PREÇO DTPM 300 - Torre Dupla - Tampo em Policarbonato Tampo retangular (24"l x 24"- 40"h x 78"l) * Mesa de três... Veja mais

March 05

Asking Price:
$8,260 USD

Wayne Horsman / Columbia Imaging Inc
telefone: +1 (410) 730-4023

MEDSTONE Pro 2000 PM Tabela do C-Braço Vende Se

Medstone PM 2000 Nice pain management table. All 3 function... Veja mais

March 08

Asking Price:
$6,800 USD

DOTmed text ad

Piedmont Medical, Inc. - Hospital Beds, Stretchers & More - (800)433-3255

Piedmont Medical is the #1 reconditioner of Hospital beds & stretchers in the healthcare industry. Our team of professionals is focused on providing quality workmanship, short lead times & unbeatable service, worldwide. We make our own replacement parts!

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OEC 9900 elite C-Braço Vende Se

Arco em C móvel digital OEC® 9900 Elite Vas MTS Premium --- DOM: junho de 2011 --- S/N E9-1621 --- Intensificador de imagem de 9" --- Dispositivo de mira a laser --- Horário: 6869 ... Veja mais

March 03  

USI 9650 Tabela do C-Braço Vende Se

US IMAGING 9650 FL4 Mesa de Gestão da Dor/C-ARM... Veja mais

March 03

Asking Price:
$11,000 USD

PHILIPS Veradius NEO C-Braço Vende Se

Philips Veradius NEO Detector Digital Vascular C-Arm... Veja mais

March 03  

OEC 9900 Elite C-Braço Vende Se

OEC® 9900 Elite Vas MTS Premium Digital Mobile C-arm ... Veja mais

March 03  
DOTmed text ad

Metropolis International - Quality Pre-Owned Diagnostic Imaging Equipment

Metropolis International - Premier provider of quality pre-owned diagnostic imaging equipment. Over 15 years experience. Free equipment valuation & consulting service. Call 718-371-6026.

DOTmed Certified stats
March 14

Asking Price:
$300 USD

Dave Lux / AA Medical
telefone: +1 (952) 955-6373
March 04  
Andre Mehl / Slight Edge GmbH
telefone: +49 017610332423

SMITH & NEPHEW 560P Camera System Câmera de O/R Vende Se

Sistema de endoscopia Smith e sobrinho -Sistema de câmera de alta definição Smith e Nephew 560P - Cabeça de câmera Smith e Sobrinho 560H -Smith e Sobrinho HD Escopo de 30 graus -Cânula/Trocar... Veja mais

March 10

Asking Price:
$2,500 USD

Keith Paterson / DCSP Medical
telefone: +1 (440) 479-4451