Over 1550 Total Lots Up For Auction at Four Locations - NJ 01/16, PA 01/17, WA 01/21, NY 01/22

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SH Medical Endoscopy Sales & Service-305-406-2222 marcelo@shmedical.com

We specialize in rigid & flexible endoscopy, surgical instruments for laparoscopy, arthroscopy & urology. Video equipment & fiber optics cable. We are also exclusive distributors for Stahl www.stahlendoscopy.com.

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M-Cast,Inc.----We supply All you need!

Our office and showroom are located in Tokyo. We are handling almost all kinds of used medical equipments. We sell only the finest equipments which are stored in a huge warehouse to the world.Quality is our primary commitment

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RICHARD WOLF 4251,107 LP Endoscope 250W Halogen Fiberoptic Fonte clara Vende Se

Detalhes do produto: Fabricante Richard Wolf Item: Richard Wolf 4251.107 LP Endoscópio Fonte de luz de fibra óptica halógena de 250 W + torre Modelo/Cat. nº 4251.107 Nº de série 5000184391 ... Veja mais

January 10

Asking Price:
$295 USD

Asif Bhinder / Medicka
telefone: +1 (952) 232-5970

RICHARD WOLF 4251,107 LP Endoscope 250W Halogen Fiberoptic Fonte clara Vende Se

Detalhes do produto: Fabricante Richard Wolf Item: Richard Wolf 4251.107 LP Endoscópio Fonte de luz de fibra óptica halógena de 250 W + torre Modelo/Cat. nº 4251.107 Nº de série 5000184391 ... Veja mais

January 10

Asking Price:
$295 USD

Asif Bhinder / Medicka
telefone: +1 (952) 232-5970

SMITH & NEPHEW 300XL Fonte clara Vende Se

A unidade está em boas condições estéticas, sem qualquer dano. Ele liga e tem uma boa lâmpada funcionando. tem multiporta compatível com Acmi, Equipamentos Storz, Olympus e Worlf. Vendido... Veja mais

January 07

Asking Price:
$600 USD

Wilgues Jean Pierre / Bukubid Inc
telefone: +1 (317) 641-0024
January 04

Asking Price:
$380 USD

Adam Rudinger / Lex-Tech, Inc.
telefone: +1 (518) 692-1115
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Your Endoscopy Equipment Specialist! Call 734-422-7700

International Medical Equipment Inc, Buys and sells all Endoscopy's Equipment, domestically and internationlly. We have all major brands, like Olympus,Pentax,Stryker,Storz and many other Call or click today

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January 04

Asking Price:
$380 USD

Adam Rudinger / Lex-Tech, Inc.
telefone: +1 (518) 692-1115
January 06

Asking Price:
$450 USD

Ethel Rodas / A & E Endoscopy
telefone: +1 (305) 591-4043

BURTON Duolume DLMP-300 Fonte clara Vende Se

Novo, ainda na caixa, Burton Duolume, modelo DLMP-300, peça # 1008822 Fonte de luz de iluminação dupla.... Veja mais

December 27

Asking Price:
$200 USD

Angelos Panagopoulos / Pantur. Inc.
telefone: +1 (512) 385-6232

PILLING Luminator Fonte clara Vende Se

Pilling Luminador de halogênio de quartzo Lightsource Pilling/Storz/Wolf/ACMI/Olympus A unidade vem com lâmpada sobressalente Stands podem estar disponíveis mediante solicitação Garantia funcional... Veja mais

December 24

Asking Price:
$275 USD

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Collaborative Medical Solutions- Your Pathway to Better Scope Technology!

Upgrading to advanced endoscopy technology & capturing the best value for previously owned endoscopy equipment is now simple & reliable! If you have scopes to buy or sell contact Collaborative today! info@collaborativemedicalsolutions.com 704-550-4681


CUDA M2-150 Fonte clara Vende Se

Fonte de luz Cuda M2-150 com 2 unidades. Lâmpadas de 150 watts. Possui torre que aceita cabos de luz ACMI, Wolf ou... Veja mais

December 23

Asking Price:
$225 USD