Over 1350 Total Lots Up For Auction at Two Locations - NJ Cleansweep 03/27, FL 03/31

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Your #1 Trusted Source For All Of Your Infusion Pump & Ventilator Needs

Biomedix Medical is a Biomedical company that also sells and services many hospitals and alternate site healthcare organizations across the U.S. High quality refurbished medical equipment at great prices. Call us today! (610) 656-5851

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Med One Group - Authorized Dealer for Alaris Infusion Pumps

With a large in-house inventory of Alaris infusion pumps, Med One Group provides purchase, rental, & lease options with customizable solutions. We provide biomed services, & our equipment arrives patient ready.(800)248-5882

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Auction Alert - Cosmetic Surgery & Medical Laboratory Equipment Closing February 25th

A Variety of Med Lab & Cosmetic Surgery Equipment Consolidated for Convenience of Sale. 81 Hamburg Turnpike, Riverdale, NJ 07457. Interested? Please call 908.789.9999/ 973.332.8472-AJ Willner Auctions



MONOCRYL Ref. MCP493G. 18". LOTE DE 24. VALIDADE 2026... Veja mais

March 12

Asking Price:
$140 USD

Luis Duarte / totalcxinc.com
telefone: +1 (917) 557-4917

SIEMENS Polymobil Plus Raio X portátil Vende Se

Equipamento usado SIEMENS Polymobil plus totalmente remodelado e completo com acessórios. Ele está em boas condições de funcionamento. Por favor, entre em contato conosco com qualquer dúvida. ... Veja mais

February 20  
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Adepto Medical - Friendly, Full-Service IV Pump Sales, Rental, and Repair

Adepto Medical is an infusion pump rental, sales, and service company. Our focus is to deliver to our customers the best product and customer service support we can offer. Call (913) 261-9933

DOTmed Certified stats
February 17

Asking Price:
$150 USD

Ryan Madej / Surgical Resources Group
telefone: +1 (813) 999-3990

SEDECAL 2007 X PLUS (LP) PLUS digital , DR 2021 e-com dr-2000 Quarto do Rad Vende Se

digital 2007 sedecal x plus (lp) plus com data de fabricação de 2021 e-com dr-2000 dr digital, sendo desinstalado em 6 de maio de 2024 em uso ótimo sistema, gerador sedecal, 64 kw, 480... Veja mais

March 11

Asking Price:
$6,500 USD

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GB Tech USA Thousands (Miles) of Consumable and Supplies +1 772-708-1656

We have a long, standing reputation of excellent service in the field of medical supplies and equipment. We hold a vast variety of products and we are growing every day. Contact us for any questions or concerns. We export worldwide

DOTmed Certified DOTmed 100 stats
March 06

Asking Price:
£399 GBP

Ionut Tamas / Online Medical
telefone: +44 07450989142

ETHICON SXMP1B409 STRATAFIX Spiral Monocryl Plus Suture, Taper Point, Absorbable, HS 26mm 1/2 Circle, 9in = 23cm, Size 2-0 Vende Se

STRATAFIX Spiral Monocryl Plus Sutura, Ponta Cônica, Absorvível, HS 26mm 1/2 Círculo, 9in = 23cm, Tamanho... Veja mais

March 15

Asking Price:
$40 USD

telefone: +1 (848) 333-4906

ETHICON VCP977H COATED VICRYL Plus Antibacterial (polyglactin 910) Suture, Absorbable, Taper Point, CTX 48mm 1/2 Circle, Undyed Braided, 36" = Vende Se

Sutura Antibacteriana VICRYL Plus Revestida (poliglactina 910), Absorvível, Ponta Cônica, CTX 48mm 1/2 Círculo, Trançada Não Tingida, 36" = 90cm, Tamanho:... Veja mais

March 15

Asking Price:
$35 USD

telefone: +1 (848) 333-4906

ETHICON SXPP1B102 STRATAFIX Symmetric PDS Plus Suture, Cutting Edge Reverse, Absorbable, FS 26mm 3/8 Circle, 27" = 70cm, Size 2-0 Vende Se

STRATAFIX Symmetric PDS Plus Sutura, Borda de Corte Reversa, Absorvível, FS 26mm 3/8 Círculo, 27" = 70cm, Tamanho... Veja mais

March 15

Asking Price:
$35 USD

telefone: +1 (848) 333-4906

ETHICON SXPP1B102 STRATAFIX Symmetric PDS Plus Suture, Cutting Edge Reverse, Absorbable, FS 26mm 3/8 Circle, 27" = 70cm, Size 2-0 Vende Se

STRATAFIX Symmetric PDS Plus Sutura, Borda de Corte Reversa, Absorvível, FS 26mm 3/8 Círculo, 27" = 70cm, Tamanho... Veja mais

March 15

Asking Price:
$35 USD

telefone: +1 (848) 333-4906

STANDARD IMAGING HDR 1000 PLUS HDR 1000 Plus Well Chamber brachytherapy Vende Se

Esta é uma braquiterapia de câmara de poço HDR 1000 Plus usada, mas em excelentes condições de... Veja mais

February 17  
Suleiman Refaei / Jordan Medical group
telefone: +1 (513) 884-9635