Over 1050 Cleansweep Auctions End Tomorrow 02/06 - Bid Now

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Med Equip - The Best Source for Refurbished Medical Equipment #1 Patient Monitor Supplier

Most reliable source for New & Re-certified Anesthesia GA machines, Gas & Patient monitors, Syringe pumps, Ventilators Defibrillators & AEDs, accessories for Electro-surgical, Defib pads & batteries & parts. Contact +1 (888) 777-4814 or sales@med-equip.ca

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Quality Pre-Owned Monitors for Rent – Request a Quote

Med One offers rental options for Vital Signs Monitors, Patient Monitors, and Bedside Monitors to be used in General Care, ICU, and NICU settings across the hospital. All monitors are cleaned, serviced and shipped patient-ready.

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February 05

Asking Price:
$2,195 USD

Asif Bhinder / Medicka
telefone: +1 (952) 232-5970
Asif Bhinder / Medicka
telefone: +1 (952) 232-5970
February 05

Asking Price:
$190 USD

Eco Med Inc.
telefone: +1 (630) 729-4816
Asif Bhinder / Medicka
telefone: +1 (952) 232-5970
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Your first and trusted source for NEW & Re-certified Defibrillators & AEDs

Your 100% satisfaction with your product and/or service is our top priority. Let us be your first and trusted source for NEW and Re-certified Defibrillators & AEDs,Ventilators,Anesthesia Machines & Ventilators. Email:info@sakomed.com Call:(844) 433-7256

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GE iDXA Densitometer do osso Vende Se

Densitômetro ósseo GE Lunar iDXA com tubo de 2014 DOM: 2009. Encore v17, monitor de tela plana, carrinho, posicionadores, Phantom, computador Win7, opções de software: Corpo Pediátrico, ScanCheck,... Veja mais

February 05  

GE Engstrom Carestation Ventilador Vende Se

Ventilador GE Engström Carestation - S/N: CBCM01834 - REF: 1505-9000-000 - Versão do software: 05.05 - Adultos / Pediátrico / Neonatal - Mangueiras de ar/O2 401GEHE0001 A venda deste... Veja mais

February 05

Asking Price:
€2,500 EUR

GE HEALTHCARE TruSignal Sensor do oxigênio Vende Se

GE TruSignal Sensor de SpO2 Descartável - Equipamento Médico de Alta Qualidade Disponível... Veja mais

February 05

Asking Price:
$142 USD
Dealer Pricing

MFI Medical
telefone: +1 (800) 633-1558
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PM BioMedical. Patient Monitoring Made Easy.

Whether you're looking to purchase, repair, or rent monitoring devices, we've got you covered with our wide range of high-quality products and our exceptional customer service 800-777-6467 sales@pmbiomedical.com


GE Engstrom Carestation Ventilador Vende Se

4 unidades Ventiladores GE Engstrom Carestation Ano: 2008 Contate-nos por correio, telefone ou WhatsApp, Viber para mais... Veja mais

February 05

Asking Price:
€1,000 EUR

February 05

Asking Price:
$80 USD

Matin Kondori / SakoMed
telefone: +1 (844) 433-7256

GE BILISOFT Luzes de Bili Vende Se

ge bilisoft quase novo em ótimo estado com saco cheio, entre em contato conosco para esta unidade ou qualquer equipamento que você... Veja mais

February 05  

GE 545303 Cable Vende Se

GE - 545303 - Cabo tronco de ECG, 5 derivações, AAMI, 3m/10 pés, Série 300 Novo na embalagem original. Vendido conforme foto. - Estamos temporariamente impossibilitados de enviar produtos médicos... Veja mais

February 05

Asking Price:
$50 USD

Brenda Stein / Medsurplusonline
telefone: +1 (917) 676-8594
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USOC Medical - GE/Philips Patient Monitor Repair Experts 1.855.888.8762

We are experts in medical equipment repair & sales solutions for hospitals, clinics, dealers & healthcare facilities of all types. USOC is the leader in quality & turn around time on GE & Philips patient monitoring Repair. customerservice@usocmedical.com

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GE MAC 5500 ECG/ Monitor de EKG Vende Se

MÁQUINA DE ECG/EKG GE MAC 5500.... Veja mais

February 05

Asking Price:
$500 USD
Dealer Pricing

Dave Bothwell / Victori Medical
telefone: +1 (847) 337-9787

GE Senographe DS Unidade de Mammo Vende Se

GE Senographe DS 2D Digital Mammo DOM: 2008 | TUBO: 2008 | DETECTOR: 2009 Pórtico Detector 24x31cm Tubo de raios X DICOM Exposição Automática Estação de trabalho de aquisição Fonte de... Veja mais

February 05  
February 05

Asking Price:
$300 USD

Matin Kondori / SakoMed
telefone: +1 (844) 433-7256