At MSFC, we are dedicated to providing high-quality medical supplies at unbeatable prices, all with the added bonus of free shipping. Our commitment to offering cost-effective solutions w/a customer-first mindset is what sets us apart.
East Indian specializes in Medical disposables & concierge services to surgery providers. East Indian is a certified minority and disadvantaged business enterprise. P:+1 630-319-7467
KURZ 1006006 (Heinz Kurz) MatriX Stapes Prosthesis/Titanium 0.4 x 4.25mm, IN-DATE
Danan Endoscopy Systems, Co.ARTHREX AR-7267 Fiber Tape Cerciage Suture (box of 5) per box of 5
MT OSTEOSUPPLIES LLCSMITH & NEPHEW BRAND NEW case of DYONICS Fluid Management System Disposable Inflow Tube Set., 3 boxes per case Ref # 721104 Exp Date: 07/01/2026
SR SuppliesJelco IV Cateteres - 16 gauge x 2" Hub Reto Radiopaco IV... Veja mais
Asking Price:
$120 USD
Jelco IV Cateteres - 16 gauge x 2" Hub Reto Radiopaco IV... Veja mais
Asking Price:
$120 USD
Bivona FlexTend Plus - Tubo de Traqueostomia com Aba em V Tamanho 4.5 Sem Cuff -... Veja mais
Asking Price:
$179 USD
We have a long, standing reputation of excellent service in the field of medical supplies and equipment. We hold a vast variety of products and we are growing every day. Contact us for any questions or concerns. We export worldwide
Conjunto de Aquecimento para Administração de Sangue e Fluidos Nível... Veja mais
Asking Price:
$59 USD
Conjunto de Administração IV com Espigão Universal, Não Ventilado, 60 Gotas /... Veja mais
Asking Price:
$455 USD
Cateter ASD IV Jelco Protectiv Safety Reto 20gx1-1/4"... Veja mais
Asking Price:
$475 USD
Cateter ASD IV Jelco Protectiv Safety Reto 20gx1-1/4"... Veja mais
Asking Price:
$475 USD
Are you looking for guidewires, introducers, stents, catheters, CRT-D or ICD? Send us message or WhatsApp +48603074020. We deliver brand new products all over the world.
Bivona Mid-Range Aire-Cuf - Tubo de Traqueostomia Flexível Tamanho 8 com Cuff -... Veja mais
Asking Price:
$189 USD
Gripper sem agulha, 19G x... Veja mais
Asking Price:
$105 USD
Conectores de Circuito UltraSet - Conector Cotovelo Duplo... Veja mais
Asking Price:
$149 USD
Nível 1 - Sonda de Temperatura 9 Fr. Esofágica /... Veja mais
Asking Price:
$49 USD
Lote de 3... Veja mais
Asking Price:
$100 USD
item expirado - 2023 ou mais recente... Veja mais
Asking Price:$624 USD
$499 USD (20% Off)
ARGON MEDICAL DBMNJ0804TL Agulha de Biópsia de Medula Óssea T-Lok 8 ga x 4... Veja mais
Asking Price:
$15 USD
DISCLAIMERS: This item is Being Sold in AS IS condition & the seller assumes no responsibility for the proper or improper use of the product. If the item is to be used in conjunction with patient... Veja mais
Asking Price:
$65 USD