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THERMO SCIENTIFIC Líquido Chromatograph/HPLC Services and Repairs

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Service For THERMO SCIENTIFIC TSQ 7000/700 Multi-vendor service and repair Liquid Chromatograph/HPLC

Service Contracts - we support and maintain your equipment with our staff of chemists and service engineers Depot Repair - Send us your equipment for repair! Broken equipment? Send it to us for... Veja mais

October 30  

Service For THERMO SCIENTIFIC Thermo Velos Pro Multi-vendor service and repair Liquid Chromatograph/HPLC

Service Contracts - we support and maintain your equipment with our staff of chemists and service engineers Depot Repair - Send us your equipment for repair! Broken equipment? Send it to us for... Veja mais

October 30  

Service For THERMO SCIENTIFIC Thermo TSQ Quantum Ultra Triple Quad Multi-vendor service and repair Liquid Chromatograph/HPLC

Service Contracts - we support and maintain your equipment with our staff of chemists and service engineers Depot Repair - Send us your equipment for repair! Broken equipment? Send it to us for... Veja mais

October 30  

Service For THERMO SCIENTIFIC Thermo TSQ Quantum Access MAX Multi-vendor service and repair Liquid Chromatograph/HPLC

Service Contracts - we support and maintain your equipment with our staff of chemists and service engineers Depot Repair - Send us your equipment for repair! Broken equipment? Send it to us for... Veja mais

October 30  

Service For THERMO SCIENTIFIC Thermo TSQ Endura Triple Quad LC/MS/MS Multi-vendor service and repair Liquid Chromatograph/HPLC

Service Contracts - we support and maintain your equipment with our staff of chemists and service engineers Depot Repair - Send us your equipment for repair! Broken equipment? Send it to us for... Veja mais

October 30  

Service For THERMO SCIENTIFIC Thermo LTQ XL Multi-vendor service and repair Liquid Chromatograph/HPLC

Service Contracts - we support and maintain your equipment with our staff of chemists and service engineers Depot Repair - Send us your equipment for repair! Broken equipment? Send it to us for... Veja mais

October 30  

Service For THERMO SCIENTIFIC Thermo LCQ Multi-vendor service and repair Liquid Chromatograph/HPLC

Service Contracts - we support and maintain your equipment with our staff of chemists and service engineers Depot Repair - Send us your equipment for repair! Broken equipment? Send it to us for... Veja mais

October 30  
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Líquido Chromatograph/HPLC

Cromatografia Líquida/Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (HPLC) é um tipo de equipamento de laboratório analítico usado para separar, identificar e quantificar compostos em uma amostra. Funciona bombeando uma solução de amostra através de uma coluna preenchida com uma fase estacionária, como sílica ou alumina, e uma fase móvel, como um solvente. A amostra é então separada de acordo com suas propriedades químicas e os componentes são então identificados e quantificados. A HPLC é usada em uma variedade de indústrias, incluindo farmacêutica, alimentícia e de bebidas, ambiental e química.

A faixa de preço do equipamento de HPLC pode variar muito dependendo do tipo de equipamento, recursos e fabricante. Os sistemas básicos de HPLC podem variar de alguns milhares de dólares a dezenas de milhares de dólares. Sistemas de última geração podem custar centenas de milhares de dólares. Os principais fabricantes de equipamentos de HPLC incluem Agilent Technologies, Waters Corporation, Shimadzu e Thermo Fisher Scientific.