Over 350 Colorado Auctions End Tomorrow 03/13 - Bid Now
Over 40 Total Lots Up For Auction at One Location - FL 03/31

WELCH ALLYN Monitor À venda e procurado

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Sales & Service of New / Pre-Owned Medical Equip – CERTIFIED. 208-429-1138

We pride ourselves on QUALITY service and repair. We specialize in Invivo MRI monitors, Slush Machines, Autoclaves, ESUs, Infusion Pumps, Hypothermia units, and much more. Please email us at sales@magmedical-equip.com /call us at 208-429-1138 (Ext. 109).

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USOC Medical - GE/Philips Patient Monitor Repair Experts 1.855.888.8762

We are experts in medical equipment repair & sales solutions for hospitals, clinics, dealers & healthcare facilities of all types. USOC is the leader in quality & turn around time on GE & Philips patient monitoring Repair. customerservice@usocmedical.com

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Clean Sweep

GE DASH 4000 Monitor


14 days, 20 hours +

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Clean Sweep

GE DASH 4000 Monitor


14 days, 20 hours +

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Auction Alert - Cosmetic Surgery & Medical Laboratory Equipment Closing February 25th

A Variety of Med Lab & Cosmetic Surgery Equipment Consolidated for Convenience of Sale. 81 Hamburg Turnpike, Riverdale, NJ 07457. Interested? Please call 908.789.9999/ 973.332.8472-AJ Willner Auctions


Clean Sweep

GE DASH 4000 Monitor


14 days, 20 hours +

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Clean Sweep

GE DASH 4000 Monitor


14 days, 20 hours +

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Clean Sweep

GE DASH 4000 Monitor


14 days, 20 hours +

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Clean Sweep

GE Dash 4000 Monitor


14 days, 20 hours +

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Auction Alert - Live Now: Primis Medical Surplus Auctions March 12th

Primis Medical closeout auctions take place on DOTmed.com. Bid today on 187 lots of medical equipment. Appointments are necessary to inspect equipment. We are available Monday through Friday 9AM-4PM call 801-597-8180.


Clean Sweep

GE DASH 4000 Monitor


14 days, 20 hours +

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Clean Sweep

GE DASH 4000 Monitor


14 days, 20 hours +

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Clean Sweep

GE DASH 4000 Monitor


14 days, 20 hours +

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Clean Sweep

GE DASH 4000 Monitor


14 days, 20 hours +

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Pioneer Biomedical – The #1 Solution for All Your Patient Monitor Needs!

Our expert team provides prompt, dependable solutions for rentals, sales and repairs on patient monitors, gas modules, telemetry and more! We focus on producing superior results and providing first-class customer service. Call (888) 644-3274.


Clean Sweep

GE DASH 4000 Monitor


14 days, 20 hours +

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Clean Sweep

GE Dash 4000 Monitor


14 days, 20 hours +

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Clean Sweep

GE Dash 4000 Monitor


14 days, 20 hours +

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Clean Sweep

GE DASH-5000 Monitor


14 days, 20 hours +

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Med Equip - The Best Source for Refurbished Medical Equipment #1 Patient Monitor Supplier

Most reliable source for New & Re-certified Anesthesia GA machines, Gas & Patient monitors, Syringe pumps, Ventilators Defibrillators & AEDs, accessories for Electro-surgical, Defib pads & batteries & parts. Contact +1 (888) 777-4814 or sales@med-equip.ca

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Clean Sweep

GE DASH-5000 Monitor


14 days, 20 hours +

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Equipamento de monitor é um tipo de hardware de computador usado para exibir informações na tela do computador. Os monitores vêm em uma variedade de tamanhos, resoluções e recursos e podem ser usados ​​para diversas finalidades. Por exemplo, eles podem ser usados ​​para visualizar documentos, jogar ou assistir filmes. Os monitores também podem ser usados ​​para exibir dados de outros dispositivos, como uma impressora ou scanner.

A faixa de preço do equipamento monitor varia dependendo do tamanho, resolução e recursos. Os monitores variam de modelos básicos que custam cerca de US$ 50 até modelos sofisticados que podem custar mais de US$ 1.000. Alguns dos fabricantes mais populares de equipamentos de monitor incluem Dell, HP, LG e Samsung. Essas empresas oferecem uma grande variedade de equipamentos de monitoramento, desde modelos básicos até modelos mais caros e com mais recursos.