Over 1400 Total Lots Up For Auction at Three Locations - UT 01/28, TX 01/30, NJ Cleansweep 02/06

GE General do Ultrasound À venda e procurado

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GE LOGIQ E9 XD Clear - In Stock Now at International Medical Equipment

Call 305-595-3404 or email sales@imedequip.com Many units in stock. GE LOGIQ E9 XD Clear Ultrasound Machine XD Clear, Manufacture year 2017. Software Version R6 / Software Revision 2.1 Transducers available upon request

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Auction Alert - Live Now: Primis Medical Surplus Auctions January 31st

Primis Medical closeout auctions take place on DOTmed.com. Bid today on 195 lots of medical equipment. Onsite or virtual inspection available.

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GE logiq E9

Bid Now: $100USD

1 day, 15 hours +

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Clean Sweep

GE LOGIQ 9 Ultrasound Machine


11 days, 14 hours +

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We provide sales, service & repair for portable ultrasound systems & probes

If you have a broken Sonosite, Mindray, GE, Philips, Hitachi, or Aloka system or probe contact us today. Free ultrasound & probe EVALS with 1 Year Warranty on all repairs. We repair all orders in 1-5 days. Call 844-644-5440 Email: Sales@Lenard.Healthcare

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GE Vivid T8 (v203) Ultrasound Vende Se

Para mais informações e preços entre em... Veja mais

January 25  

GE LOGIQ E9 Ultrasound Vende Se

GE LOGIQ E9 software totalmente carregado 3 sondas setoriais, transvaginal e linear.... Veja mais

January 25  

GE Logic xp 2 probes Ultrasound GE Vende Se

Título: Sondas de ultrassom ge logic xp 2 Fabricante: GE Modelo: sondas lógicas xp 2 Quantidade: 1 Localização do item: Miami - FL. Armazém Condição do item: Bom (por favor, veja a imagem) ... Veja mais

January 25  

GE Vivid E90 Cardiac Ultrasound System w/ GE 6VT-D TEE Probe Vende Se

GE Vivid E90 Cardiac Ultrasound System c/ GE 6VT-D TEE Probe... Veja mais

January 25

Asking Price:
$25,000 USD

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FDA CE certified high quality handheld wireless ultrasound scanner

FDA CE certified high quality handheld wireless ultrasound scanner. Email us at sales2@leltek.com | Phone us at +886965668409


GE Logiq 400 Ultrasound Vende Se

A máquina de ultrassom apresenta queimaduras na tela e linhas de retorno no monitor. O monitor precisará ser substituído para resolver esse problema. A função “Freeze” da unidade não funciona, parece... Veja mais

January 25

Asking Price:
$238 USD

Jordan Doan / MAG Medical Equipment
telefone: +1 (208) 429-1138 x109
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Your Experts in Ultrasound probe repair! For Standard, 3D/4D, TEE, Matrix probes & ultrasound and flexible endoscopes of all brands. QUALITY & KNOW-HOW FROM AUSTRIA. Contact:service@moons.at, +43 316 22 81 10, www.moons.at

DOTmed 100 stats

GE Logiq E9 GE Ultrasound Logiq E9 (4 Probes) Vende Se

EUS00051 : GE Ultrassom Logiq E9 (4 Probes)... Veja mais

January 25  
January 25

Asking Price:
$21,849 USD

Vital Med Tek
telefone: +1 (872) 240-9744

GE Logiq A5 Ultrasound Machine Vende Se

Máquina de Ultrassom GE Logiq... Veja mais

January 25  
telefone: +1 (844) 990-0460 x2
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