Over 1350 Total Lots Up For Auction at Two Locations - NJ Cleansweep 03/27, FL 03/31


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CEPHEID Genexpert System Analyzer RT PCR CEPHEID Genexpert System Analyzer RT PCR CEPHEID Genexpert System Analyzer RT PCR CEPHEID Genexpert System Analyzer RT PCR CEPHEID Genexpert System Analyzer RT PCR
CEPHEID Genexpert System Analyzer RT PCR CEPHEID Genexpert System Analyzer RT PCR CEPHEID Genexpert System Analyzer RT PCR CEPHEID Genexpert System Analyzer RT PCR CEPHEID Genexpert System Analyzer RT PCR

CEPHEID Genexpert System Analyzer RT PCR

This auction is closed
  • Começar oferecida USD $250.00

  • Tempo saiu Auction Closed
  • A oferta fecha-se Feb 25 - 11:00am EDT
  • Auction # 256586
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Please note: This equipment is being auctioned by a third party and DOTmed, while marketing this sale, is not responsible for the bidding or sales process on the linked site
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Este é um leilão autogerenciado
  • Posição: NJ, US
  • Modelo: Genexpert
  • Type: Lab - General
Cepheid Genexpert System Analyzer RT PCR

These online auctions are a Variety of Med Lab & Cosmetic Surgery Equipment Consolidated for Convenience of Sale.

Location: 81 Hamburg Tpk, Riverdale, NJ 07457, US

This is an Internet-only Auction, which means the highest bid online when the bidding closes on a particular item will be the winning bid for that item. Click here to View All Lots



By appointment Mon thru Fri 8am to 4pm. Lots located in Riverdale, NJ
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