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CARL ZEISS Humphrey 720 Field Analyzer / HFA II Visual Field Analyzer

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The Zeiss Humphrey 720 Perimeter Field Analyzer II utilizes a computerized silent projection system to examine the patients' visual field. When using the Zeiss 720, testing is performed with eleven test patterns with static threshold and screening strategies out to 90 degrees. The Zeiss Humphrey 720 has a patented aspherically shaped bowl which provides a compact an ergonomic design to increase patient comfort. The Zeiss Humphrey 720 also includes a video eye monitor which enables the operator to align and monitor the patients' eye position.

The Zeiss Humphrey 720 comes standard with STATPAC 2 Analysis Software which compares test results to age matched normative data. The Humphrey 720 Perimeter also includes a CTR touch screen, improving user operation. Data is stored on the Zeiss Humphrey 720 via a 3 1/2 floppy, and the Zeiss 720 is also wheel chair accessible, and includes a built in printer.

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24" H x 19" D x 23" W
80 lbs
4 A
Bowl Illumination:
31.5 ASB
Frequency (Hz):
Max Horizontal Range:
86 Degrees
Maximum Stimulus Intensity:
10,000 ASB
Max Wet Bulb:
78 F
Operating Temperature:
41-95 F
Power Supply Voltage:
120/230 VAC
Stimulus Duration:
200 msec
Stimulus Wavelength:
30 cm

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