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Detailed Recent Company Feedback (12 months)

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All Gabarito para Rock Bottom Lasers (19 Ratings)

More weight for healthcare provider ratings

Our users asked us to change the DOTmed 5-Star Rating System and give more weight to ratings from healthcare providers because, as end-users, they are in the best position to evaluate a dealer's products and services. Therefore, if you work for a healthcare facility, your ratings now have twice the value of dealer-to-dealer ratings. Please rate every company you do business with.

General Rating for Vin Wells, by Angie Lazare, LaserAce
July 09, 2022
starhalf starempty starempty starempty star

Rockbottom Lasers sold me a laser that did not work. I stated I wanted my money returned and he said he would send a technician to repair clean and repair the system. The technician, Scott Tueber, cleaned the system it doesn’t work. Vin has sent me less than 1/3 the money he still owes me. In addition the broken laser has been sitting in my office for months! When we last spoke I told him I needed the rest of my refund and for him to ship the broken laser he rudely commented ‘yeah… I’ll see what I can do.” He still owes me $12,000 and that is very generous on my end, I just need the rest of that refund. He has cost me thousands of dollars. Do not buy from Rockbottom Lasers!!


General Rating for Vin Wells, by James Voigt, East-West Enterprises
September 05, 2018

Vin is a hardworking honest dealer, he is a well trusted dealer!


General Rating for Vin Wells, by Henry Perez, Applied Medical Lasers
April 18, 2017

I have found that Vin is a reliable go to source and would recommend him.


General Rating for Vin Wells, by Michael Park, Synergy MedSales, Inc.
July 28, 2015


Auction Rating for Vin Wells, by Amanda Acevedo , Jane F. Kardashian M.D. INC.
July 02, 2015


General Rating for Vin Wells, by Brian Baumgardner, Midwest Medical LLC
April 10, 2015

Vin is a great guy to work with. He is detailed, honest and straightforward. Top notch!


General Rating for Vin Wells, by Darryl Louis, Med Auction Inc.
January 28, 2015


General Rating for Vin Wells, by James Voigt , Prestige Lasers
January 28, 2015

Vin has been a pleasure to work with, honest and professional!


General Rating for Vin Wells, by Brian Baumgardner, BMX Medical, Inc
December 30, 2014

First class company.


General Rating for Vin Wells, by a Dealer
November 12, 2014


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