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Transpara announces new FDA clearance designed to improve breast cancer detection at RSNA

Press releases may be edited for formatting or style | December 02, 2024 Women's Health

The study "Implementation Of A Convolutional Neural Network based Detection Software As An Independent Third Reader In The German Mammography Screening: A Prospective Study," (S5-SSBR02-4, Sunday, December 1, 2:30-3:30 PM), evaluated the impact of using AI software in mammography as an independent third reader in the German breast cancer screening program on detection rates and on the screening process. Using Transpara as decision support increased the cancer detection rate, specifically invasive cancers.

The ability of AI to aid radiologists in improving cancer detection in women with dense breasts was evaluated in the study, "Performance Of An Artificial Intelligence System On Screening Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Cases In Dense And Not Dense Breasts," (T7-SSBR07-6, Tuesday, December 3, 3-4:00 PM). Researchers showed that studies marked by Transpara have a strong predictive value for cancer, and the algorithm performs similarly well in dense and non-dense breasts.

With 35+ peer-reviewed publications, Transpara is the only breast AI algorithm evaluated in large-scale real-world screening populations multiple times (including UCLA, Capital Region of Denmark, Lund University in Sweden, Norwegian Cancer Registry, Reina Sofia Hospital Cordoba). Research shows that up to 45% of interval cancers can be found earlier using Transpara, while helping to reduce workload and optimize workflow.

About ScreenPoint Medical
ScreenPoint Medical translates cutting edge machine learning research into technology accessible by radiologists to improve screening workflow, decision confidence and breast cancer risk assessment. Transpara is trusted by radiologists globally because it has been developed by experts in machine learning and image analysis and updated with user feedback from world-renowned breast imagers. See all the proof at: https://screenpoint-medical.com/published-evidence/peer-reviewed-publications

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