John R. Fischer, Senior Reporter | December 05, 2019
Carestream Health presented two new technologies this week at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America in Chicago.
One of them, its Dual Energy technology, is designed to produce soft-tissue-only X-ray images by removing bone structures, as well as corresponding bone-only images. The solution utilizes two filter materials to switch between high and low-energy exposures. The technology also delivers top image quality at an exposure equivalent to that of a standard, non dual-energy posterior-anterior chest radiograph.
“This way the radiologist can really look if they need to focus on something specific in the lungs,” Sarah Verna, worldwide marketing manager for global X-ray solutions at Carestream, told HCB News. “They have much better clarity by removing the bone structure or vice versa. With this, they have the same exposure as a general chest X-ray.”
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Dual-Energy is dedicated to chest exams at this point, with plans to extend its indications. It is expected to be available as an option on the DRX-Evolution Plus System in February 2020.
The company also introduced its Digital Tomosynthesis functionality, an upgrade option on the DRX-Evolution Plus System that uses a single sweep of X-ray exposures to acquire multiple projections, with dosage less than that of a CT and more than that of a general X-ray. Doing so separates the process of DT exposure acquisition from image volume formation, simplifying workflow and reducing exam time associated with traditional tomography by eliminating trial-and-error processes for locating anatomical regions of interest. In addition, post-processing generates as many DT slices as needed at varying intervals and thickness.
Digital tomosynthesis function
Such a capability, according to Carestream, is expected to help clinicians determine quick diagnoses in emergency situations, as well as relieve the burden of wait times for CT rooms, which are are often backed up. The DT functionality, however, should not be seen as a replacement for CT, but instead a tool that can be used in conjunction with it by offering easy use of a general X-ray room.
“If the patient is diagnosed with something and going under any treatments, this is a quicker exam. It takes as long as it does to perform an X-ray, as opposed to the time spent in a CT machine,” said Verna. “The doctor can follow up on the course of treatment with the patient, so maybe two or three months after chemotherapy and radiotherapy, if the doctor wants more scans to be taken, this might be an option instead of using CT and going through all that exposure.”
The Digital Tomosynthesis functionality can be performed on any body part. It is 510(k) pending and expected to be made available for use in early 2020.